SFH3 Run #2157
A Tuna’s Dozen, or A Dozen Tunas?
Monday, September 11, 2023, 6:15 pm
: DMV on Baker between Fell and Oak
: Tuna on Top
: 63 °F / 17 °C, clear, moderate breeze.
: $7
: The Page
: Do Her Well

Muni 6, 7, then walk from Haight St.

Muni 5/5R then walk from Divisadero and McAllister

Muni 24 then walk from Divisadero

Muni 43 then walk from Masonic

Muni N then walk from either Duboce/Noe or Cole stops


It's the hare's exact date 12th hashiversary!

Last updated about 1 year ago.