EBH3 Run #714
Sunday, January 11, 2009, 1:00 pm
: Alameda
: Poopdeck
Thanks goes out to Poopdeck for setting a shitty trail on a lovely day! Thanks also goes out to all those who came out to play dressed in their finest pirate attire... Arrrgghhh! Some of the piratey dressed hashers included Captain Paddle Me, & crew members Six Of Nine, Oh Shit!, Significant Udders, FOS & Titty Titty Down-Down, Six Minutes Of Steve, myself, & probably a few others wanks.
Sunday was a beautiful warm day spent gallivanting through La Isla De Alameda led by our hare Poopdeck... one of our new transplants. It was also the first EBH3 hash of 2009! A gangly pack of 30 hashers gathered in the Wind River parking lot which included 3 virgins (sorry, the only name I got was Just Kyle), visitors from near & far, & some hashers of the four-legged variety. After much confusion, lolly-gagging, & drinking, the pack decided that when the hare left 30 minutes prior supposedly on a pre-lay mission, we were meant to follow. Lacking in chalk talk or much direction of any kind other than Naked Hasher adding a few ramblings, the pack set off on trail. I missed actual trail because I had to do a beer run as fill-in Beer Meister, but there are some definite things I can tell you based on what I heard from the pack. For one, Poopdeck lays a shitty trail. Two, she marks trail with strange hieroglyphics which includes a random X as a check mark, & I heard something about not being able to make a straight line. But, I hear she helped make up for shitty trail by having a way cool beer check on her pirate boat in the bay. After a short 3 mile (no really it was 3 miles & not my version of 3 miles!) trail the pack was back at the On-In before I could return with the beer! The pack continued lolly-gagging, drinking, & generally making merry. With our RA being MIA (I'm starting to think Zydeco & Dr. K had a conspiracy going) Oh Shit! was kind enough to step in & drunkenly run circle (or circus) for us. It's a bit hard to say what happened in circle, but I think it included several down-downs that I'm not sure what they were for! I recall Poopdeck yanking off Ball Wrinkle's pants mid down-down. There were 3 virgins who wanted to all sing a song together, but when they couldn't cum up with one they were told they could cum back next time as virgins & perform an entire skit. We also had two namings.... say goodbye to Just Brenda & Just Amy... welcum, Bunny-lingus (Brenda) & Teacher's Petting Zoo (Amy)! And girls, if you aren't yet on HashSpace, send me your e-mails & my sweet (dirty) little bunny White Chocolate would LOVE to be your friend! ; p Circle seemed to continue on a lengthy amount of time, during which we had cop cars circle us in the parking lot twice like sharks waiting for a tasty morsel, but finding none they left us alone. They must have had something more important to do like ticketing those who drive faster than 25MPH on the island. Eventually Oh Shit! ended the circle & sent the pack off to get a piece.
On-After continued at a very cool little bar called the Forbidden Tiki Lounge where a dozen or so hashers took over the back corner of couches & barrels. Some hash songs were sung (while Thurston & Little Johnson sat at the other side of the bar pretending not to know us) & we were asked repeatedly to either quiet down or not use words such as "head" or "fuck" or such. "Bleep" became an adequate substitute in our little ditties such as, "Yogi's got a 12 inch Bleep."
All in all, it was a fine hashing day & a great start to a new year for EBH3!

Last updated over 2 years ago.