EBH3 Run #716
Sunday, February 8, 2009, 1:00 pm
: Walnut Creek-- Shell Ridge
: Just Harvey
Ever hear the saying, "Do not go where the path may lead you, but go your own way & make a trail"? Well, I believe Sheep's motto is, "Do not go where the path leads, but cut through cow pastures, hills, difficult to navigate terrain & creat your own d*mn hash trail!" Seems to me (& everyone else) that's just what he did!

Sunday's hash was set in the hills of Walnut Creek where Sheep promised lots of shiggy (yup), lots of cows (yup) & a good time (not so sure there!) Apparently he forgot to mention the confusing marks, the tiny specks of flour trickily hidden behind rocks or in gopher holes to mark trail, or the invisible beer check! From what I hear, the entire pack got lost on trail & gave up! I was also on trail, but due to arriving late & stupidly thinking I could catch up (well, that was a brain fart if ever I had one) I ended up lost & all alone on a trail that no one marked the checks because apparently I found my way further along trail than all the rest of the pack. Except for perhaps Teacher's Petting Zoo (formerly Just Amy) & her friend, who were also lost on trail & I'm not sure if they were ever seen again! Among my lost travels on trail I came across several deer staring me down, then some sort of large wild cat (which we later determined was a bobcat) slinking away from me in front of trail. About the time that I had been on trail for 3 hours, it was 5pm & starting to get dark, the storm clouds were rolling in, I hit a backcheck then lost trail yet again in the middle of a cow pasture, then the scary bobcat.... I gave up! I headed for the safety of a residential area & eventually (with some technological assistance) found my way to my car which was 2.5 miles away. Thanks goes to Fartacus & Crazy Ed (& from what I hear also Sheep) who tried to help find me & ensure my safety. I have no idea how circle went, but hopefully Sheep was well punished for his shitty trail! Thanks Sheep for all the shiggy, but next time came we get some trail markings to go with that shiggy???

On-After was an impromptu gathering at Lane Splitters back in Berzerkeley where after waiting an hour for a table our visiting Marine, Pony Humper, was threatening bodily harm if we didn't get a table soon. With more beer & food in our tummies, the pack settled down & enjoyed the rest of the night.

Last updated over 2 years ago.