EBH3 Run #727
EBH3 30th Anniversary
Sunday, July 12, 2009, 1:00 pm
: Alamo: Diablo Foothills Regional Park
: Dr. Kimble & McTaco
This run celebrates 30, count 'em, 30 years of hashing in the East Bay. In July 1979, founding Grand Master Dave Davis established the Alamo Hash House Harriers as the first hash in the Bay Area and his wife Brenda Davis founded the Alamo Harriets. From the beginning, EBH3 has focused on "good terrain, generally East of Oakland with some exceptions, Sunday afternoons twice a month." Make this a memorable reunion and honor all who have gone before us. Reach out and round up former active EBH3'ers, wherever they may be. We also want to make sure our many newbies don't miss this one. On-on-on is planned to be a feed at the run start or nearby. Also, memento t-shirts are in the works. Check out who registered. Run start is in Alamo, where it all began. Pack will gather at the Livorna Staging Area of Diablo Foothills Regional Park. About 2-1/2 miles South of the 24/680 interchange, take the Livorna Road exit and go East for 3 miles. Trailhead parking lot is on the left. Hilly, all trail with some shiggy, dogs on leash OK, true trail is not stroller friendly but strollers can loosely follow trail on improved fire roads and trail. Bring sunscreen and hydrate.

Last updated over 2 years ago.