EBH3 Run #731
Sunday, September 20, 2009, 11:30 am
: Angel Island
: Butt Floss
Don't let the strapline above deceive you: this will actually be a FREE HASH! Yes, that's right: this hash is free, the regular EBH3 run fee of $5 is being waived for this run! The catch is you must bring your own food and drinks. Your down downs will be with whatever you bring to drink. Ferry options: Oakland at 9:00am.
Alameda at 9:15am.
Pier 41 at 9:45am.
Tiburon at 10:00am or 11:00am. Round-trip tickets are $14.50 except from Tiburon ($13.50). Please note: dogs are not allowed on Angel Island.

Last updated over 2 years ago.