EBH3 Run #775
Sunday, June 26, 2011, 1:00 pm
: Loma Prieta Memorial Quake Park, 14th and Mandela Parkway, Oakland CA
: Circle Jerk & FoS
Okay, so West Oaklnd gets a bad rap, but this r*n is f'n beautiful,
interesting, historical and fun. It's 100% strollerable and dog friendly.

Turkey Eagle Split and most of the time there's grass to run on if you
don't fancy pavement.

8 short miles from San Francisco, but with much better parking. :)

West Oakland, much like San Francisco, is a place where "crimes of
opportunity" do happen, so don't be a dumbarse leaving valuables on
display in your car, even though the start is next to the biggest fire
station in the city...(read, hot firemen!).

Last updated over 2 years ago.