EBH3 Run #746
Sunday, April 18, 2010, 1:00 pm
: Lake Elizabeth -
: Yellow Prick Load
I'm drunk right now so i'll be brief.

EBH3 Hash on Sunday, April 18th 2010 at 13:00

Freakmont, CA - The awesome Lake Elizabeth - Parking: Stivers Lagoon
Parking Area (there are places you can actually get laid in Stivers Lagoon)

Beer in the Beginning, Middle and End: Pay someone $5.00 for that

Distance: You're choices are Short & FHAC-Uish fun and Long & Fun; You can
decide when you get to the intershanges. Either way you will all meet up @
the same Beer Check.

Beer Check: Yes Because I Love You! and that's not Ghey! Space Ghost even
told me so! Jesus nodded his head yes to me too.

http://maps. yahoo.com/ #mvt=m&lat= 37.54233& lon=-121. 961669&zoom=
16&tt=Lake% 20Elizabeth& tp=1&ioride= us&q1=Rockett% 20Dr.%20and%
20Paseo%20Padre% 20Pky%20Fremont% 2C%20CA Map Location as close as I can

http://www.fremont. gov/DocumentView .aspx?DID= 2291 here is a map of the

Are there any hills? Look at the Topo, its the first Hash I can't lie and
say there won't be hills and actually put hills in. This is just meant to
bring the wonderful groups we have together for some fun. OMG I'm telling
the truth its flat and fun.

For you San Franciscanoceans this is the farthest South that East Bay can
go so this is likely you're one time every two or so years to get to come
to Fremont and see how really awesome we are. We're like SF except without
the tall buildings and the eclectic mix of hippy, yuppy, genderbenderx' er
peoples. Okay so we're normal but I'm not so come.

On On - HOOTERS on 3344 Mowry Avenue. 1 mile from the Lake.

Last updated over 2 years ago.