Marin H3 Run #257
Back to Novato Run and BBQ
Saturday, August 26, 2023, 1:00 pm
: 150 Cabro Court, Novato, CA 94947
: Eat My Pussy & Suck Squeeze Bang Blow (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T21KamFHbHNiRUJpWTJndWJtVjBJajVpWTJocGJHeEFZbU5vTG01bGREd3ZZVDQ9PC9zcGFuPg==)
: 83 °F / 28 °C, clear, moderate breeze.
: 5 for run - $5 for BBQ
: 150 Cabro Court, Novato, CA 94947

start and directions cumming soon :)


Return to EMP's Marin pad!

Come enjoy the pleasant warmth of sunny Novato and some nice redwood trees followed by BBQ overlooking scenic Indian Valley! Summer Sangria will be the drink special in addition to the usual hash beverages and usual BBQ fare.

This will be another MH3 v. SVH3 Saturday, though SSBB and EMP will be on the other side of the battle this time. MH3's trail should prove to be more interesting than the 'pavement pounder' SVH3 has in store. ?


Meet: Saturday, August 26, 2023 @ 1:00 PM
Start: Saturday, August 26, 2023 @ 1:30 PM

Where: 150 Cabro Court, Novato, CA 94947-3774


Hares: Eat My Pussy & Suck Squeeze Bang Blow


Eagle: 7.5 miles & 1100' gross elevation gain
Turkey: 4.5 miles and 850' gross elevation gain

Drink Check: Likely

Weather: ~83ºF, sunny, winds from the West @ 12 MPH

real time:

Dogs: allowed but leashes are required in some sections

Strollers: Hahahahahahha

Trail shoes: moderately recommended but not absolutely essential

Shiggy: nothing crazy

Shiggy socks: recommended but not essential

PO: It's out there but easily avoidable if you stay on the paths

Sunscreen: strongly recommended - about half of the trail is not well-shaded

On After:  BBQ at the start

BBQ: the usual beef patties and various sausages/hot dogs (fake/real versions of both)

Last updated 10 months ago.