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Agnews Run #495
Almost 6 9
Thursday, June 8, 2023, 6:30 pm
: 37.47825, -122.188441
: Back Door Boys, More Fingers
: 67 °F / 19 °C, clear, moderate breeze.
101 to Marsh Road, right on Bay Road. Park in back at Delucchi's.
More fingers got nothing better to do, but to hare a Thursday trail with BackDoor Boys.

Trail will be easy& straightforward, Eagle will be 3-5+ miles, Turkey will be about 3 miles. Only 1- 2 beer checks involve, and there will be homemade Chinese food at the end.

So come out to have fun with your fellow hashers and enjoy the nice climate in Redwood City. A nice sunset view from Delucchi's market parking lot is the way - to end the circle! The nice way! Lol...

Last updated 3 months ago.