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Agnews Run #442200
XxXMaS ScoOteR trAiL 2023!
Thursday, December 21, 2023, 6:30 pm
: 37.3362434, -121.8935895
: Today is Monday
: 56 °F / 13 °C, partially cloudy, light air.
Meet on the highest accessible floor of the San Pedro Square Parking Garage.

Download your preferred scooter or bike app and look into purchasing a ride day-pass or the equivalent.

Want a $3 ride credit with Lime? Use this link to download the app:


Anal esCooter hash 2023! It's lime to put the pedal to the metal XxXMaS style! Activate your preferred wheeled transporter and meet up with us at San Pedro Square. Expect about 9mis. of scooting/biking/strollering/running/lyfting/unicycling/reverse-cowgirling on this scenic XxXMaS trail. Look forward to enjoying 2 BC/FC combos that will be our pitstops on this magical ride, with a possibility of a 3rd! Please bring Money and ID on trail. Helmets encouraged!

Last updated 3 months ago.