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Agnews State Hash House Harriers
Agnews Run #442210
Agnews: Sorry, Its Fhac-You Again
Thursday, May 9, 2024, 6:30 pm
: 37.3022425, -122.0247816
: No Film
: 80 °F / 27 °C, clear, gentle breeze.
Calabazas Park, Blaney and Rainbow Avenues, West San Jose. Park in the Blaney Avenue parking lot.

One more flat, mostly pavement, short, pre-set, with one beer check with food, and possibly backchecks. Eagle/Turkey trail is 3.69ish miles, walker trail is 2.0 miles out and back. One beer check at a location with food that may require $$/ID and has an outdoor seating option. Trail is dog/stroller friendly. Everyone returns from the beer check on the walker trail.