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Agnews Run #442212
The Anti-Agnews Trail! June is FHAC-U month!
Thursday, June 6, 2024, 6:30 pm
: 37.3356081, -121.8934716
: Today is Monday
: 81 °F / 27 °C, clear, light breeze.
Meet on the highest floor of the San Pedro Square Parking Stucture. Look for hashers. Pay yo hash cash. Drink a beer. Put the pedal to the metal! Repeat.
Some walkers wanna run, some runners wanna walk.. but everybody wants to ride! I wanna ride! I wanna ride! I wanna ride!
Dust off your esCooter mits because here cums the anal esCooter hash! Yall can use whatever wheeled option your heart desires, but most will want to download the Lime esCooter app and purchase their 60-minute pass. Once you've boarded your chariot, you can expect 7'ish miles of esCooter chaos, 3 BC's, some food trucks, safety smoke signals, and being one with the road! HEAD-gear encouraged.

Last updated 3 months ago.