SFH3 Run #1508
Friday, October 14, 2011, 6:15 pm
: Pioneer Log Cabin
: GM's
: $10
: The Little Shamrock
: wHole Blow Out

Picnic area by the Pioneer Log Cabin at the entrance to Stow Lake in Golden Gate Park. Just off of JFK Drive and Stow Lake Drive.


2011 AGM for SFH3 is on Friday 10/14 at the usual start time of 6:15 in Golden Gate Park. There will plenty of shiggy, beer, and a fully catered dinner. There will be some prestigious awards and some not so prestigious awards handed out and certain debauchery to ensue with all the extra beer that will be on tap. Start location is near Stowe Lake at the Pioneer Log Cabin Picnic area where Stowe Lake Drive meets JFK drive, DO NOT GO TO THE LOG CABIN IN THE PRESIDIO or you will spend your evening in the dark being lonely and sober. Because dinner will be provided the cost will be $10.00 for those of you who aren't covered as dues payers.

Last updated almost 13 years ago.