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Agnews Run
Halloween Hangover hash
Thursday, November 1, 2012, 6:00 pm
: 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94301
: Unknown
Do you remember what it used to be like? The innocence of Halloween? Mom and Dad (who was always wearing his PJ's and smoking a pipe) would help you get dressed into your transformers costume, and walk you around the neighborhood as you filled pillow case after pillow case with High Fructose Corn Syrup™? And then in the following 12 hours, would proceed to consume it all, sending you into fits of epilepsy and early onset diabetes?

But the years wore on, and finally the day came when your parents told you that "6'4" might be a little big for the transformers costume", and that "You're scaring the other children", and "Please move out of our house"…

And so you packed the costume and left. And for a while the sacred sugar holiday of Halloween became just another excuse to binge drink while dressed like an ass hat. And now, you can hardly remember Halloween, but you think that tequila might have been involved?

Fortunately, the FHAC-U hash this year wouldn't dare to tread once again on October 31st Halloween traditions… All we ask is that you sober up enough on November 1st to find your way to the Halloween Hangover hash, and if you happen to be wearing the puke stained costume that you went to sleep in, then you'll fit right in.

For those of you who got bored before reaching the end, lemme sum up:

Halloween Hangover Hash
November 1st - 6:00pm
Start - Parking lot of Trader Joes (where we had that one hash that one time)
A-A1, Multiple beer checks so bring a little $$ on trail
Prizes for best Halloween Hangover costume
Hares, NI and Cunt Drunkula

- Nothing Interesting

Last updated over 2 years ago.