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Agnews Run
We Don't Need no Stinkin' Scouting Hash
Thursday, July 26, 2012, 6:30 pm
: 636 Harrow Way, Sunnyvale, CA
: Unknown
Spouse and Missile got to drinking last night, and did what normally happens when that occurs, volunteer for stupid things like laying trail. We also decided we didn’t need to do that important thing called scouting, so be prepared for the worst. We will each have 5 pounds of flower and a general knowledge of the area. With that said, you may want the following items on trail:
Cash for bars, taxis, bail, etc
Flashlight in case we are out for a while
Dry Shoes in case we find some shaggy
The Rabbit in case you are bored with trail and need a break
The start will be Ortega Park in Slummyvale (636 Harrow Way). It may or may not be stroller friendly due to the whole not scouting things, so you may want to leave those on all fours at home.


Spouse and Missile

Last updated over 2 years ago.