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Agnews Run
Nipple Me Elmo's full moon burfday prelewd trail
Thursday, November 29, 2012, 6:30 pm
: Fairwood Park, near Sandia Ave and Fairwood Ave, Sunnyvale, CA
: Unknown
NIPPLE ME ELMO's Pre Birthday Hash. I turn 26 on Friday. If Mach can repeat a year, why can't I? If you celebrated past birthday's with me and thought I was older, you were probably too drunk to remember. So keep your traps shut and show me some skin.

Start location: Fairwood Park, near Sandia Ave and Fairwood Ave, Sunnyvale, ca,+sunnyvale,+ca&aq=&sll=37.396448,-121.989956&sspn=0.008864,0.016823&vpsrc=0&ie=UTF8&hq=fairwood+park,+sunnyvale,+ca&ll=37.396994,-121.990042&spn=0.017729,0.033646&t=m&z=15&iwloc=A&cid=18071344403471531166

The trail is rather boring, it's cold outside, and it's an Agnews. If you show up, I might have some kind of special treat, especially if it is cold. It could be anywhere from 3-6 miles depending on how far I feel like r*nning. I haven't decided if it'll be live or dead lay since you fast fuckers would catch me anyways... racist bastards. Being how I'm off until Dec 17th, I may start trail at 4pm with Hare away, pack off at 6:30. That would technically be a live trail... right?

Regardless, when I take off is the start and is still TBD, but you wankers can show up at wish, have a beer or two, then try to figure out where my lost ass is... I might be drunk or dead by the time you catch up, but who cares.

Ok, back to the important stuff before I ramble on too much like ET with a pot of coffee. Bring ID and cash on trail as I may decide to have a bar check, or you may lose my poorly laid trail and need to do a guerrilla bar check. Either is possible and likely.

See you half minded "mmmmm" day wanks tomorrow!

On-to being young-ON
Your disorganized GM, shitty trail laying crappy hare.

Nipple Me Elmoooooooooooo
"I did NOT have sexual relations with that underage boy"

Last updated over 2 years ago.