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Here 2 Get Laid's Short and Easy Burfday Pub Crawl with fellow birthmonth hare Arabian Goggler and special hare consultant Electrical Testicle
Thursday, December 6, 2012, 6:30 pm
: Firehouse Brewery 111 South Murphy Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94086
: Unknown
Everyone has Friday 12/7 off for Snoball, right? Well, I do, and that's what matters! I'm blowing (who said blow?) into town for Snoball, and since 12/6 is my actual birthday (Dirty 30, y'all!) I WAS going give you folks a pubcrawl as my birthday gift to you. But, since ET already claimed the date, I guess I'll just wear a tiara and demand to be the center of attention all night! Unless he wants to help me (by help, I mean do most of the work and let me dress up as a pretty pretty birthday princess and drop flour 5 feet in front of everyone, as is my way) lay some sort of shitty trail! What do you say, ET? Can we work out a deal?

On-From zero to 2 hares in 10 minutes-On,
~Here 2 Get Laid

Last updated over 2 years ago.