BARH3 Run #97
Wednesday, October 31, 2012, 6:30 pm
: Rockridge BART
: Bitch on the Side
: Free
: Barclay's Pub
Get your costumes out because the HALLOWEENIES are coming to Rockridge/Oakland on Wed., October 31st!
This Halloweenies run is a joint production of BARH3 and the Weenies. All are welcome! Bring your friends! Bring your dog! Bring your kids too! Walkers and Runners, and jog-strollers too - all ages and abilities are welcome! Just make sure to wear a costume!

When: Wed., October 31, 2012 @ 6:30 PM. Please arrive EARLY (6:00-6:15 PM) so we can start on time.
Start/Finish: Barclay's Pub, 5940 College Ave., Oakland, CA - 3 blocks North of the Rockridge BART station
Follow the chalk and flour marks from the bottom of the BART escalator to the run start. Parking is available at the BART station and also along the street and side streets.
- Turkey and Eagle trails. Turkey trail is shorter, stroller-friendly and great for walkers. Eagle trail is dark and dangerous and much more challenging! Don't run alone because you might run into some scary creatures on trail. One of them might be YOU!
- Trail will pass through the famous annual Russell Street Halloween Street Party (in Berkeley near the Claremont Hotel) where most of the houses/mansions are elaborately decorated and thousands of people and kids descend from all over the galaxy to trick-or-treat and have fun. There's always at least one haunted house or space ship that you can pass through, plus tons of other spooky entertainment. Russell Street's Halloween is kid-friendly, but gets a little crazy after dark. Plan on walking when you get to Russell Street - it will be too crowded for running.
- All trail is dog-friendly on leash. Barclay's has both outdoor and indoor seating, so your dog can be outside.
- Bring FLASHLIGHTS so you can find the trail markings and avoid obstacles.
- Bring CASH for food/drink at Barclay's.
- Bring your Friends, Kids, Dogs - Walkers and Runners - All are welcome!

Last updated almost 12 years ago.