GPH3 Run #1520: Don’t Worry Mutha, I’m Cuming!
: 10/13/2022
: Roanoke St. and Arlington St. in SF
: Cuming Mutha
: Tongueless

Run #1520 Traipsing Through the Glen

Cuming Mutha laid a trail for the Gypsies and so well-known is he that hashers came from far and wide to sample his wares. Quick Turd Around form London CityH3 and Cum Brew Lay from Paris were there to add spice to the mixture. Our hare brought the pack together at Roanoke St. and Arlington St. The locals across the street may have kept their windows dark and their doors locked but they kindly put out benches and even a table for the pack, or so the pack assumed. The arrival of the Outbeer with the keg of Lagunitas IPA was greeted with international joy especially after, the always in a hurry to pound a pint, Pied Piper sank the tap deep into the keg! QTA had that deer in the headlights look when Fits In hit him up for his $5.00 saying that it wasn’t on the Gypsies’ site and London City doesn’t charge first timers, oh and it didn’t say anything about needing a torch so he had none not that it being pitch black might have been a clue, ah the follies of youth! Luckily the First National Bank of Twinkle Dick had an ATM machine standing there and it spit out the cash! Lately TD seems to have a branch at a lot of trails! The pack was enamored of Cum Brew Lay’s accent and was thrilled to have him preach from the Male Missal in his creamy tones. They were creamy enough that Backwash was creaming by the time CBL finished. As BW swooned Chickless Boner thought he might have a chance to belie his name but BW’s laughter at the thought brought him back to reality! Wash That Asshole mumbled that EVEN washing hadn’t won her over. Speaking of reality, Pied Piper was just doing a drive by since while dancing naked with a fraulein on a bar top at Oktoberfest he tripped over a stein and broke 3 ribs on landing. Still, he managed to join the Lost Patrol while heading back to his car. He handed Tongueless a $20 bill and wept as he asked T and FI to hoist one at a local for him. Broken ribs were on T’s mind since CM had asked him how comfortable he was on “small rocks”, when T answered CM just shook his head; a real confidence builder, that! Exaggerated Crack helped by wondering aloud if T had a will. Trail went down Arlington St. to Wilder St. and then Diamond. Trail took the pack down to the Glen Park Greenway path at Brompton Ave. By now On All 4s had led a band of stalwarts to Glen Park Canyon. As they moved along the Greenway the tiny LP spotted and lost Adopt A Pussy and Backside Banger but could hear them and assumed they would now be where PP’s $20 could best be used. Zipping uphill T and FI spotted them on Bosworth and hoofed it on toward them. Back on Diamond St. AAP was leaning against a car in front of La Corneta Taqueria trying to cadge coins from passersby. BB was inside trying to order a burrito and he was teaching CBL the ropes. A cumly blonde and her boy toy struck up a conversation and T was brought in as interpreter when the bim wondered if CBL had ever been to some spot in France she liked. T trundled off to act as go between, but CBL had never heard of the spot the way T pronounced it. In the meantime, AAP decide that he knew the bim but couldn’t quite place her in his past. Ever helpful T suggested that the quickest way to find out if she knew AAP was to ask if her prices were still the same. Oddly enough AAP ignored the sage advice. On that note 5150 appeared out of the darkness and fell in with the ever-growing LP. The hardcore had stuck with OA4s and been led through Glen Canyon on trails fit for King Of Bed Bugs who is considering branching out to fleas and ticks. Even OA4s found trail in the Canyon hard to find. The LP took a longer way back just to justify all that burrito gas that was being produced. Eventually all were back and the keg was tapped while the table was set with Vitamin J and Sacred Thermi filled with Fits In’s hot toddys were there to ward off the chill. QTA allowed that he’d gotten his exercise since there were no hills like that in London. CBL just rubbed his belly and grinned knowing that he’d fallen in with the right bunch. The right bunch killed the Thermi and growlerized the keg guaranteeing some hangovers in the morning. Cheers.