GPH3 Run #1495: Remember Your Doctor’s Appointment
: 04/21/2022
: Corte Madera Town Park Playground
: Dr Kimble
: Tongueless

Run #1495 When a Spanking is not a Blow

Dr. Kimble, dragged the Gypsies back over the Golden Gate to Corte Madera Town Park last Thursday promising no rain but plenty of shiggy on yet another of his death marches to prove he’s still younger than springtime. Dr K’s forked tongue was enough to bring out the new Marinites and old hashers Spanking Private Ryan and No Blow Ho and even turn over the rock that Peteophile and Scarlette O’Hairy have been hiding under. Peteophile at least has the excuse that he's still traumatized by watching ABBAA and Tongueless do naked pushups for T’s bday trail. The parking lot, where the keg of Lagunitas IPA wasn’t allowed, was packed with the usual soccer tots whose moms and dads threw them into the family van or at least covered their eyes so they wouldn’t be traumatized by seeing the likes of Pied Piper. Now in truth the dads were a smidge slower as they looked longingly at the pints flowing from the keg. Okay, to be completely honest some of those moms looked on pretty longingly as well. No Blow Ho being a hasher took up the Unknown Missal and preached a sermon that involved, um, oral hygiene Gypsies fashion! Wash This Asshole blanched and asked if anyone might have a tongue scraper or some mouthwash! Dr. Kimble provided a chalktalk that was as useful as usual especially the parts about don’t get killed and the head high Poison Oak that could be avoided. Just seeing the look on Bitches Bitch’s face made Just Julie glad that she’d crossed the bridge to be there. Trail took the pack through the park and across Pixley Ave. Manhole shot across the park determined to *un or die. The Lost Patrol had the usual worthless bunch of wankers with the addition of Peteophile and SOH. When trail hit Willow Ave. T’s whining hit the Richter Scale because he knew they were going to be going uphill! The LP became the fractured patrol when P and SOH decided to check up a long set of stairs and T insisted, they could be avoided. PP and WTA stayed with T and Fits In at this point. Trail continued winding its way through the upscale neighborhoods of Corte Madera where the slamming of doors and pulling of shades followed the passing of the pack. Trail for the true believers climbed inexorably to the multiple fire roads where flour had been replaced with toilet paper. It is a complete falsehood that Eat My Pussy was lost because BB swathed himself in the toilet paper because he was afraid of the PO. Those nightly news reports about a mummy being sighted in Corte Madera are ridiculous. The pack wandered around the shiggy while the LPs wandered the streets with another fracture when WTA and PP broke off thinking they would find P and SOH somewhere. On the other hand, T and FI eventually did cross trail and followed it in. Who’s Your Daddy did the double punishment Eagle trail. Spanking Private Ryan didn’t actually go to the ER so stop listening to Lois Lame. One Night Only did not slip on trail that was insanely steep and lose her tights, she often leaves early just not bare assed. The Gypsies are just rife with rumors. Once the pack was back, they took over one of the picnic tables and because alcohol is prohibited in the park didn’t put the keg out, of course not, and the Sacred Thermi were filled with coffee, the bottles of Irish Cream, Kahlua and brandy were just for show! The Vitamin J was disappearing down gaping maws that only stopped chewing long enough to get some alcohol poured in. No Blow Ho worried that the coffee was going to keep her awake, so she just stopped drinking it and settled for straight brandy! EMP had his usual sack of alcohols to draw from and he graciously shared them. T eventually took up the Sword Of Power and convened the Circle where down-downs were administered. Spanking Private Ryan and No Blow Ho were drinking as returners. Just Julie explained she’d cross the bridge because the Gypsies, even the Gypsies, beat work! The police station is just around the corner but as usual the only law in the park was Gypsies law. Cheers.