GPH3 Run #442: Drill Me-Beast of Belsen
: 09/20/2001
: Unknown
: Drill Me
: Tongueless

Run #442 Drill Me-Beast of Belsen

We’ve all heard the ugly rumor that Drill Me is the devil spawn of a crazed concentration camp guard and a sadistic sergeant in the Foreign Legion, last Thursday’s trail did nothing to dispel that rumor. There are those, McTaco and Manhole among them, who insist that the whole idea was to leave the pack so weak that Badger could cull the few survivors for food. Actual blame should fall squarely on the shoulders of Dick Chick and Tits For Hire the hares of record that brought Drill Me in as their designated purveyor of misery. While Dick Chick successfully avoided the agony of the feet she will not avoid the ignominy to be heaped upon her when next she cums. This would have been Tits For Hire’s virgin lay but thanks to Drill Me she remains bloody but unbroken. The pack gathered at the corner of Sutter and Divisidero having spent much of the little that remains of their youth seeking parking. Sorely in need of a little old time religion to succor them from the pain to cum the pack was subjected to a lackluster performance of the Sacred Missal by Sucks da Clone from OCH3. One can only hope for the sake of Bozo da Clone also of OCH3 that Sucks performs better in private than in public. Even Stiffy was left limp and she turned out the light on Twinkle Dick. Lacking the comfort of religion the pack was on-on. From the start it was clear that our hare had been affected by the events of the past week as she was clearly hoarding flour. One can only wonder how many hours she spent trying to find the thimble that she filled each time she deigned to set a mark. Having been abandoned by Fits In who chose work over play T/BC was left to the tender ministrations of Whippet In and Whippet Out who had nothing but disdain for the concrete trail. Finding the amount of flour too minuscule for even their sensitive noses our hero spent the evening as a lone seeker of truth and flour. The pack meanwhile found itself cruising through some of the seamier sections of the city. Chickless Boner that inveterate sports fan was between a rock and a hard place when he realized he could leave the pack and get involved in a football game when shooting through the first of our hare’s may parks. Bigfoot was quick to encourage him to go for it especially as he would be playing without a helmet. Trail eventually wound it’s way to the Japan Center, which by the way is not dog friendly, then circle jerked over to park number two Alta Plaza. By this time Fucking Pesto Chicken had finished his supply of bottled water and was reduced to sucking sweat from his headband to maintain his strength. Not satisfied with the current level of abuse the hare next sent the pack into the Presidio. Erection Denied had been staying close to Semen Monster’s tail, for obvious reasons, when he tripped in the dark. The loud cracking sound as he hit the ground gave a whole new meaning to erection denied. D’anglin Anglin on the other hand was in ecstasy so many places to go wrong, so many places to get lost, so much chance to wander aimlessly through the city. Frustrated and in need of alcohol much of the pack, those with even half-a-mind, were wandering back to the on-on. While the foolish few were actually trying to follow trail Sin Cojones was face down in the Sacred Bucket slurping up that vodka and dreaming of maxing out his credit card at yet another on-on-on. Comes Slowly was so desperate to get at her red wine that she just broke the neck of the bottle on the curb and guzzled with all the aplomb of the baglady her drinking habits may help her become. Rumor has it that Sadie has been going to Al-Anon meetings. Shithead still concerned that being seen with the Gypsies may be a parole violation and not wanting to renew his ties to San Quentin was out early. Hash Hole was back from Belgium and having slept with all the women he met while here last time was scoping out any new possibilities. Phone Sex arrived late and let him know that she was no more interested now than then. When he turned his attention to Beats Me she announced an instant need to explore the lesbian side of her nature. Of course this caught King Rongjon’s attention since he’s an avowed lesbian. While these private parties were going Enter The Gerbil assumed his role as King’s Fool and convened the circle. For those most deserving punishment down-downs were administered using Cafe Lolita a truly noxious potion. Just Jason received so much punishment for so many crimes that they must go unrecorded that he may be the city’s first case of WUI or more likely Crawling UI. Nutless Sac received one for being caught playing with the said sac, his excuse being that the lack of a beer check left him with nothing better to do. So disgusting was the drink that Wankers Island assumed it must have some medicinal properties and smeared it on his chin in a desperate effort to produce more of a goatee. Right now he looks like Too Loose LaTrec. I R Stupid once again mistook Just Bob for a bimbo he once knew, no wonder he stays so drunk and only the intervention of Likes To Lick prevented a potentially ugly butt chug. Open Wide was still taking him to task for getting in the way as they headed for the on-on-on which took place at both Frankie’s Bohemian the Thai restaurant across the street. Will McTaco start charging Nutless Sac rent soon, enquiring minds want to know? Cheers.