GPH3 Run #502: Night of the Yellow Labs
: 11/14/2002
: Unknown
: Bone Marrow
: Tongueless

Run #502 Night of the Yellow Labs

Bone Marrow, for whom the concept of directions is foreign, called for the pack to gather at Serra Playground last Thursday. As the sewers of the city emptied and the detritus made a valiant effort to actually arrive at the rendezvous point just how foreign a concept it is became clear. Between jockeying around construction, fighting short lights, and becoming trapped in a maze of one way streets it was also clear just how strong is the lure of cheap alcohol because so much of San Francisco and Marin’s pond scum actually floated in. Not to be out done the East Bay contributed Thumper who had been promising the appearance of a new chunk of bimbo meat, Cums Often (apparently a misnomer) she hasn’t cum yet. The Every Day is WednesdayH3 provided a priest for the evening’s service in the form of Havana Lewinsky who got straight to the meat (uh, no pun intended) of the Male Missal. Either he was just a little nervous or he’s got a wicked case of Tourette’s syndrome. He jerked more than Scarlett O’Hairy doing the White Pants dance. Luckily Snore Play from BostonH3 remembered where his *un bag was and once the Ritalin had been administered Havana was fine and it was time to be on-on. Having received anonymous death threats from the Whine & Chowder Society GMs and their sordid sycophants Bone Marrow had marked the trail entirely in chalk. Never one to take chances Ben Gay was armed to the teeth and ready to take a bullet for our hare as he acted as sweep. Rumor has it that in case of a Hazmat ambush our hare planned to give up Fuck Me, Father to the authorities. Trail led the pack through Lakeside and West Portal with our hare not missing any chance to zig and zag the pack. King Rongjon and Just Fish found themselves succumbing to the siren song of the first bar they passed and spent the evening in an upscale Italian restaurant ridiculing the more fashionably dressed patrons. Tongueless ailing from a back injury sustained in London chose to stroll the trail. Fits In swears he was trampled by a throng at the Woking Beer Festival maddened by his singing and desperately trying to escape. Whippet In and Whippet Out have refused to comment. Pied Piper had a moment of panic as he passed the West Portal Muni stop and noticed a friend of his wife staring at him. Never at loss he quickly nudged her in front of an oncoming Muni neatly solving his problem as murder is preferable to Cold Cuts finding out he was hashing. With no anthrax to follow poor D’anglin Anglin got on a trail of marks for cable and was last seen in Aquatic Park. Having successfully avoided a Hazmat ambush while committing assorted felonies on trail the pack finally returned to Serra Playground and the Sacred Bucket. In keeping with the onset of Autumn Fits In had supplied a Bucket of rum and cider. The bomb fell early for some like Phone Sex who found herself seeing more than double as she thought Fucking Shut Up, Otto, and Katie were all the same dog. That in itself wouldn’t have been so bad but she also thought Pied Piper, Fuck Me, Father, and Manhole were all the same guy. Ever the gentleman McTaco took her behind the recreation center and using Elliot as a foil showed her the difference between one dog and another and himself one man and another. Apparently there’s nothing like hands on experience as she reappeared both wiser and happier. New to the Bucket Just Dave found himself counting blades of grass as he sank into a Bucket induced coma. Sneering at the corpse Shithead toed the body and opined “He’ll learn.” Having been in the same state Comes Slowly was more sympathetic but it didn’t stop her from going through Just Dave’s pockets looking for cash. Drill Me was spotted doing a body fat test on the poor guy deciding whether or not it would be worth it to turn Bite Size loose to dine. Go Nad missed much of this since he was still nursing his hangover from the 500th. Having acquired a new kayak LCB offered to lead a search for D’anglin but just as he was about to head for Aquatic Park D’anglin arrived and relatively dry. King Rongjon, having lost a fight with his surfboard and looking the worse for wear, wielded the Sword Of Power for down-downs. While Cums Often failed to post her place was ably taken by Pussy With a Porpoise late of the Everyday is WednesdayH3. The diminutive blonde achieved her place in the Gypsy Pantheon of Bimbos by flashing her rack. I R Stupid calmed down once his eyes were back in their sockets. Naked Hasher instantly asked his left hand for a date but Just Doesn’t Get It asked Just Scott what they were. Rhett Butthole on the other hand just sneered and challenged her to a tit off. The thought of that sent Open Wide into a faint and Likes To Lick found himself once again tossing an unconscious blonde into his car. Bigfoot on the other hand jumped at the chance and offered to promote the match and sell tickets. Her success money managing the 500th has clearly gone to her head. While this was going on Strip Search snagged Pussy and flashing his ever handy Junior G-Man badge tried to convince her to let him live up to his name. 5150 swore to her that Strip Search was indeed authorized to carry out a search and snapping on one of the latex gloves he always carries announced that he would assist in the cavity search. Not to be outdone Just John, fresh from playing a doctor at the 500th, also offered to assist. Things really degenerated when Splat insisted that a rocket scientist should also be involved. Only Enter The Gerbil’s intervention prevented the lads from trampling each other in their rush to investigate her tits further. Suave devil that he is Gerbil whisked the object of all this away under the guise of interviewing her for the WSJ. The Philospher’s Club found itself invaded by the pack as the insanity continued. Cheers.