GPH3 Run #504: Go Nad and Tongueless Get Stuffed
: 11/28/2002
: Unknown
: Tongueless and Go Nad
: Tongueless

Run #504 Go Nad and Tongueless Get Stuffed

It was another brilliant Thanksgiving Day for the Gypsies last Thursday but what else would you expect for the Hashing Gods’ favs? Tongueless and Go Nad gathered the pack at Rodeo Beach for the anal event. The war party was a small one this year but they drank their weight in Bloody Marys. Phone Sex announced that she would be thankful for no reading from the Sacred Missal and since most of the pack was male and blinded by those legs she was granted her wish. Just Karin asked the hares if the trail was walkable, if it was long, and if it could be shortcut. The hares gave her an enigmatic smile and a “Ya sure, you betcha..” Just Karin marched off never to be seen again. Trail led the pack across the beach and up the buttress to the bunkers above the ocean. Our hares led the pack across country to a back check that took them out to an overlook but even Naked Hasher wasn’t lemming enough to go over the edge. The trail had everything even an eagle/turkey split. Suffice it to say that Tongueless handled the management end of setting the eagle while Go Nad did the stupe labor. The eagles were taken out towards the light house at Point Bonita and so overwhelmed was the pack by the vistas that there were no turkeys. Released from their anchor, Tongueless, Whippet In and Whippet Out soared like the eagles they are dragging Fits In hither and yon in search of poison oak. As all trails do this one eventually returned the pack to the Sacred Bucket and in this case a Bucket filled with deadly Bloodies. Two drops of Spontaneous Combustion, one drop too many, left Pus Sucker sucking wind. The smoke cuming out of Dr. Kimble’s ears should have been a signal for Bag Lady to save him from himself but she was not there and the Bucket exacted its price. Scrumbag was so enamored of the Bucket that it took his faithful pooch Bodie to remind him that he better go look for Just Karin’s body or he’d be sleeping yet again on the sofa. The combination of Bloody Marys and hot sauce left Biggus Stickus with a smallus stickus and The Ripper found himself ripped. A quiet afternoon was forced on all. Cheers.