GPH3 Run #1526: Gypsies’ 29th Anal Trotting of the Turkeys
: 11/24/2022
: Rodeo Beach Coastal Trailhead Parking lot at the end of Mitchell Rd. in Sausalito
: Pied Piper
: Tongueless

Run #1526 29th Anal Trotting of the Turkeys

Pied Piper laid the trail for the Gypsies’ 29th Anal Trotting of the Turkeys on Thanksgiving and as they have for the past 29 years the Hashing Gods smiled on their favorites and provided sunny skies and balmy weather. As has become the usual start location the pack gathered at the parking lot for Fort Cronkhite and the end of Mitchell Rd. in Sausalito. Since Fits In was providing her usual Sacred Bucket filled with her patented Bloody Marys, Tongueless took pity on the pack and the keg was Lagunitas DayTime IPA with a less than sledgehammer ABV. As the pack gathered and the keg was tapped the civilians in the parking lot began to look a smidge wary. Bitch Pimp came in out of pandemic hiding and brought not only Just Pat her mother but Just Daisy her Golden. It must have been hard on BP not to breath the entire time. For one of the first times in living memory EastbayH3’s Code 4 Butt not only brought Buttplug Fred to the trail but stayed herself. Knowing the value of acolytes, they brought a matched set Been There and Done That from MarinH3. In case any of the bims were looking for a little “man gravy” to go with their turkey Sperm Donor was there to provide the stuffing. There were no more takers at the Gypsies than the EBH3 SD’s usual haunt! There was plenty to be thankful for and not the least was the appearance Chin Chin Chiller and Dr. Bombardier, consummate Gypsies who now grace Atlanta with their presence. CCC made SURE their presence was felt by turning the parking lot into the Gypsies’ Cathedral preaching a sermon that had Just Ted Aka The Other Bastard weeping, um, some would say seeping through his tights! Pied Piper tried to convert 3 surfer bims and, well, more on that later! Manhole looked around and couldn’t believe that this was his first Thanksgiving with the Gypsies! As the pack milled around after religion PP came forward to give a chalktalk which served its usual purpose, nothing! On that note PP pointed up the Coastal Trail and waved the red solo cup to start the band of happy warriors off on their adventure! The Lost Patrol was of course slow off the mark since they had to tuck the keg into the Outbeer but Tongueless felt completely competent, you know how that can end, since he’d set so many of the Gypsies’ Thanksgiving trails. CSI actually announced that she had faith in T leading to Fits In’s eyes spinning like cherries in a one-armed bandit! When 5 Angry Inches joined the LP, T bowed and wept, “I am not worthy” Backwash just looked up and whispered, “You’re right about that!” With that vote of confidence, the LP set off to play catchup ball with the pack. The Coastal Trail climbed up the bluffs and along the cliff edge. Since T had set so many of the Turkey Trots, he did have a sense of where the trail would be going. The LP went through Battery Townsley and uphill, well what else could the trail do? As they approached a divide in the Coastal Trail the Pied Piper came thundering off a bit of trail and tore on past. All and sundry continued on the trail until a smidge of vegetation parted and the hardcore staggered up the hill and over the top to find themselves on a trail that paralleled the Coastal Trail but longer and steeper. At this point even Wash This Asshole had become a believer in T. Jack The Ripper achieved two lane blacktop at Bunker road but it was momentary as marks led back into the bush but that was momentary as well and Kilpatrick St. led all and sundry back to the start and the keg as well as Fits In’s Sacred Bucket of Bloody Marys. This year there were no families to run screaming as the Gypsies took over a picnic table. It was also One Night Only’s BDay and the table was awash in fat and sugar as well as the usual Vitamin J. Backwash provided a tin of elegant Belgian cookies and ONO supplied some of her own “Get Your Diabites right here” specials. T waved the Sword Of Power expecting to be cut down in a hail of gunfire by the Park Police but the car left the second T granted Do Her Well a chance to fulfill a request from “Saint Titty Boo Boo” that she send him a “tasteful nude” of T. As T did his thing the Officer disappeared never to return! Fully clothed again T convened the Circle. The pack sang to ONO and got down to down-down business. Tonya Hard On declared that she thought 5 Angry Inches should be renamed 9 Angry Inches and Blow Queen asked how 5 AI attached those other 4 inches. Tears Of Semen asked if the staples hurt! Hershey’s Squirtle from EBH3 repaid the Gypsies for the day with a view of where that Hershey’s squirted, happily none came out even though he squeezed manfully! Our hare resumed his conversation with the 3 surfer bims who honored the pack with one of them doing a keg stand. CCC did the honors pumping the keg into her upside-down mouth while Just Doesn’t Get It and Just Ted Aka The Other Bastard held her legs in support. They were enjoying themselves a little too much, but so was everyone else. A fine day and another reason for the Gypsies to be thankful they are who they are! Cheers.