GPH3 Run #1359: On a Wing and A Prayer
: 04/25/2019
: Wawona St & "27th Ave"
: Blow Queen
: Tongueless

Run #1359 On a Wing and A Prayer

Blow Queen is set to take his summer sojourn to Sweden so he laid a trail for the Gypsies last week that would guarantee the pack would remember him. BQ called the pack together on Wawona St. and what should be 27th Ave. but of course there is no such place since Wawona is blocked at 26th Ave and at 28th Ave. with Parkside Sq. and Bob Cheney Field taking up the area. BQ wanting to make sure that confusion reigned supreme sent a detailed set of instructions to assure that as many Gypsies as possible would be lost. Once again BQ overestimated the level of intelligence of the average pack member and only using their half-minds paid attention to only ¼ of the hare’s directions finding the start with few problems. Of course that doesn’t include Bitch Pimp who had to be brought in under radio control and promptly announced that she was “the dumbest member of the pack”, she was of course proved wrong. Adopt A Pussy announced that he no longer bothers with GPS and instead has his wife read his Tarot Cards to find the start. Dick Ass Mother Fucker claimed that trying to understand the directions gave him a headache so he just walked to the start. While the pack was gathering they slammed down pints of the Lagunitas Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’ flowing from the keg. Neighbors stood on their balconies but instead of decrying the revelers, urged them to have a good evening. One Night Only took their good cheer as a sure sign that the apocalypse cannot be far off. ONO missed a real sign of the apocalypse, Cockulus Oculus actually wearing *unning shoes and mumbling about doing trail Bitch Pimp in moment of penance and to reassure herself that she wasn’t as dumb as she claimed presented the pack with a reading from the Sacred Missal 2.0 that once again extolled the importance of family brought tear to the eye of those proud patriarchs Udder Moron, Backside Banger and Who’s Your Daddy. WYD has so many paternity tests to be proud of that listening to the sermon he fairly glowed. While the pack had their heads bowed in religious fervor our hare took off to lay trail. The pack was promised a series of Beer Quests and when Missed Delivery inquired whether the beer would be warm cheap piss as usual BQ swore it would be icy cold and costly. Pencil Dick just mumbled that hares never speak a word of truth. The pack was off and *unning. Trail led them along Wawona to 21st Ave where it took them into the depths of Stern Grove. Trails wound round and round dropping the pack deeper and deeper into the park eventually trail brought the pack to the lowest level, Pied Piper felt very natural on the lowest level. Tongue Depressor and Qaeda Cunt reveled in the undergrowth while Tongueless and Fits In would have been happy to see few signs announcing they were in an “Active Coyote Area”. Cream Chugger watched for eyes glowing the underbrush and when they appeared she picked Just Lily off the ground rather than have her continue as a hors de oeuvre on a leash. Trail took the pack past the Stern Grove Dog Park and all the way around what’s now called Pine Lake but has always been Laguna Puerca. Trail climbed the hillside and took the pack as far as Lake Merced before bringing them back and down into the park past the concert stage and the Trocadero Clubhouse. 5 Angry Inches was milling around with AAP and Backside Banger and finally took off to find trail. The Lost Patrol went around and came back to the start where they set up bacchanal central in the meadow. Hand Pump had no fear of being DFL and Jack The Ripper didn’t even come close. Even 5150 managed to arrive before 5 AI. Cuming Mutha came in and announced that he had been somewhere and even seen some trail! Once Bitches Bitch finished bathing Tech-nu he strolled over to the keg and Sacred Bucket filled with Cuba Libre. Lois Lame settled right down to wait for growler time surrounded by all 12 of her growlers. Dr. Kimble brought a bag full of duck pieces and doled them out to the pack. Tongueless’ Penis decided not to sew Dr. K over the bit of buckshot he bit into. Tears Of Semen announced that the trail was brilliant, was in fact a trail for the ages and amazingly well laid. TOS really earned that ticket to Sweden. Peteophile and Scarlette O’Hairy donated the world’s largest bag of peanuts that the pack was ultra enthusiastic about until they realized the peanuts were unsalted. Scarlette also brought Phone Sex in under radio control, as Phonie was so lost. Somehow PS had managed to not look out her car window and see the pack. That’s okay since PS also managed to not see Scarlette standing in the middle of the road. There was a Circle and there was much waving of the Sword Of Power and much waving and weaving of T thanks to the Bucket. The keg and Bucket both died bravely. Cheers.