GPH3 Run #1364: Tarting Up Your Blood Sugar
: 05/30/2019
: Senior Center in Golden Gate Park
: Scarlette O'Hairy & Peteophile
: Tongueless

Run #1364 Tarting Up Your Blood Sugar

Scarlette O’Hairy, in her never ending quest to be crowned Queen of the American Diabetes Association laid another trail for the Gypsies last week along with the able assistance of her chief source of sweetness and general factotum, Peteophile. In keeping with the idea that it only takes half a mind to hash they brought the pack together in the parking lot behind the Senior Center in Golden Gate Park. Scarlette has long sought the title Pimp of the Year in the Gypsies and she was at it again by tossing the latest brace of bims, Just McKenzie and Just Stephanie, out to cure any erectile dysfunction in the male members of the pack. Tongueless’ Penis, already big, grew substantially. Unfortunately, Tongueless’ penis didn’t exactly register on the Richter or any other scale. While the pack gathered they happily pounded Lagunitas Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’ from the keg housed in the Outbeer. Just McKenzie announced that she was an English major in college and that made her the perfect choice to read a portion of the Sacred Missal 2.0 to the put the pack in the right frame of mind for the cuming trail. Our hares provided a minimal chalktalk that largely consisted of apologizing for the extreme length of the trail and insisting that they had simply lost control while in the glorious confines of Golden Gate Park. Praying that the old adage that hares always lie the pack was off in search of trail. In a bid to confuse the issue our hares took the pack out of the park at 36th Ave. and sent them on a circle jerk pounding cement that brought them back into the park at 35th Ave. A romp around the side of Spreckels Lake was the hares’ way of paying homage to the sugar family. Back in the park the pack was on trails in the woods and Closet Twitcher was paying the price for snowshoeing in Tahoe. Trail consisted of homage to every iconic spot in GGP. Our hares laid a very well marked trail especially where it crossed big patches of open ground. Trail also made sure to go in and out of the park to just, well, annoy the pack as much as possible. Qaeda Cunt and Tongue Depressor on the other hand enjoyed the aimless back and forth and crisscrossing trail endlessly because it gave them and endless sniffari and a multitude of pee points. Trail took the pack past the Temple at Lloyds Lake and up and over Strawberry Hill at Stowe Lake before turning back do the other side of the park and eventually bring the survivors around the Bison Paddock and back to the start. Adopt A Pussy allowed as he’d never been to the Bison Paddock and never realized how little he’d missed. Fits In mentioned the time T had lost a shoe in a steaming pile of Bison shit, yet another example of T’s boundless ability to fuck up in an interesting way Tongue Depressor and Qaeda Cunt nodded in agreement. With the pack back together the picnic table was commandeered for the Vitamin J and Sacred Bucket filled with Sex On the Beach, Fits In’s version and the keg tapped. When Scarlette produced two huge lemon tarts, one with a butter base and one with an olive oil, base the pack was faced with the choice of blocking arteries while raising their blood sugar level or simply raising their blood sugar level but not their cholesterol. Bitches Bitch and Lois Lame being vegetarians opted for the Mediterranean tart and an off the charts AC1. The rest of the pack turned to Dr. Kimble as a man of medicine. Dr. K pointed out that he is not a doctor; he only plays one in the hash and anyway he knows more about one-armed men than lemon tarts. Humpy Slowcum a Wine and Chowder wanker was worried about the duo of virgins still out on trail because they might not get enough alcohol into them to give him a fighting chance to finally not have to rely on his hand. Just as his tears began to flow the bimbos in question appeared on the horizon. The only one still on trail was Manhole with Mans Best Hole but eventually even they made it back. Just McKenzie managed to get down some tart before cutting Humpy’s chance of a hump in half by leaving. The rest of the pack settled in for a long summer’s night of indulgence. Once again the pack was so happy filling its faces with food and drink that the Sword Of Power stayed sheathed. The pack talked amongst themselves solving none of the world’s problems. Yes, it was a fine wasted evening. Cheers.