GPH3 Run #1376: The King's Putter!
: 08/22/2019
: Lincoln Park Golf Course
: King Rongjon
: Tongueless

Run #1376 The King’s Putter!

King Rongjon laid last week’s trail for the Gypsies and it keeping with his long time identification with the greats of the golf world he brought the pack together at the parking lot for the Lincoln Park Golf Course on 34th Ave. and Clement. Long before the King got back from laying trail One Night Only was there to point out that someone had deliberately parked in the middle of the lot SHE chose to park in, and for no apparent reason. Just as she was about to complain to the driver Dick Ass Mother Fucker knocked the .38 from her hand. DAMF can be such a buzz kill. While golfers packed their bags and cast longing glances at the red cups, we all know what red cups mean, filled with Lagunitas Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’ the lot filled with non-golfers who’d cum to *un and party or at least walk and party. The Cunt Next Door and “Saint” Titty Boo Boo arrived with Cunty Boo Boo in her pram wearing an oh so stylish hair ribbon and a big grin. TCND was there to *un and “S”TBB was their to hold the pram. No one is EVER going to say 5150 isn’t odd but his remark that somehow he has gained all the baby weight TCND has lost even had Closet Twitcher scratching his head. Speaking of 5150 he preached the sermon from the still unnamed Missal that he gave to the Gypsies. Several of the golfers listened to the service and asked if could convert. Lois Lame drew herself up to her full height and asked if they were prepared to kiss the keg and assume a life of indulgence. LL knows how to welcome converts. The King followed the reading with a chalktalk and when Jack The Ripper asked about the King’s trail and the W&CS trail overlapping King RJ just laughed and said that there was no problem because he had made ‘manly marks” while the earlier trail was made of girly man marks” and besides his wallboard was so old that the marks were grey and the W&CS marks were white as the driven snow, end of story. With the story being over the pack was off. Trail took the pack down Clement before crossing back into the woods. At least it took everyone but Bitches Bitch who decided to follow trail that only he could see even if the vision was in his mind! Cuming Mutha shook his head and waved the visionary a fond farewell. The pack members not relying on an inner vision stuck with marks and took a minor tour through the VA Medical Center. At this point Adopt A Pussy had turned back to find Backside Banger who was late cuming. AAP takes that retainer he was paid seriously. Trail took the pack onto the Coastal Trail providing them great views of the Golden Gate Bridge and the ocean. There were of course a multitude of civilians on the same trail but the site of the likes of Phone Sex with her look of grim determination sent them scurrying to avoid being *un over. As usual the pack was divided and even the Lost Patrol was divided as Tongueless forged ahead with Tongue Depressor snarling at his side. Dr. Kimble was ahead of T until suddenly he wasn’t Dr. Kimble decided that two legs are better than one and so turned up from the trail early to save that second leg. The main LP was moving along and under the auspices of On All 4’s decided to get on the eagle trail. Fits In with Qaeda Cunt howling like a banshee to catch T and Tongue Depressor, and 5150 were also sore eagles. OA4s was hanging back with Just Pat arranging to do some catsitting over Labor Day. Trail finally came out at Eagle Point and turned back up El Camino Del Mar to the Palace of the Legion of Honor and back down Legion of Honor Drive to the start. A thirsty and hungry lot cheered not the arrival t of T but of the key to the Outbeer. Peteophile and Scarlette O’Hairy were there to greet the pack and wonder why it was taking so long to get the keg tapped and Sacred Bucket filled; they have their priorities in order. Bitch Pimp was concerned about Just Pat but decided that a few more drinks would calm her concern faster that looking for her. At that point FI and 5150 arrived and necessaries were sorted quickly. Just Pat and OA4s were not far behind and the serious portion of the evening got under way. Darkness fell on the pack and one lone patrol car passed, stopped, waved and moved on. King RJ took up the Sword Of Power and convened the Circle where he took up the next several hours trying to recite an impromptu poem in honor of Peteophile‘s Bday. The Bucket was filled with Yellow Peril made with vodka and Hypnotique, a deadly duo. The combination of the vodka and the King’s mournful voice attracted a hanger on in the form of an older Russian woman who found the King the answer to her prayers as the reincarnation of the Czar, pick one. Suffice it to say that the evening was long and filled with the right amount of rocket fuel. Cheers.