GPH3 Run #1390: Gypsies' Anal Thanksgiving Trotting of the Turkeys
: 11/28/2019
: Rodeo Beach in Sausalito
: Scarlette O'Hairy & Peteophile
: Tongueless

Run #1390 Not Their First Rodeo!

Last Thursday was the Gypsies’ Anal Thanksgiving Trotting of the Turkeys, their 26th. As per usual the Hashing Gods smiled on their favorites and rain went someplace other than Rodeo Beach in Sausalito. Once again the trail was laid by that able duo Scarlette O’Hairy the brains and Peteophile the muscle. The pack was pleased that they were laying the trail knowing that it meant a morning with a mimosa check and baked goods. Thanksgiving is of course about family and how to avoid them but 5150 just thinks of family as “more growlers for me” so he brought as many as he could! Just Stacey was there with a checklist of Children of the Growler and Just Gabby, 5150’s first born brought Just Anuhea her baby to break her in on Gypsies and growlers, HerAssic Park was there to make sure that no growler went unfilled and to fill herself full of the Lagunitas Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’. Not a toddler but definitely a tippler Sperm Donor made it over from EastbayH3 to be sacrificed on the Gypsy altar by Fleshlight and Golden Snowball. Sperm Donor held the pack and civilians in the palm of his hand as he preached long and hard from the Male Missal, his voice thundered to the heavens pleasing the Hashing Gods. Our hares provided a chalktalk that wished the pack well, told them there was a drink check, and sent them off Eagles and Turkeys alike to find trail. The Eagles soared from the start as they climbed straight up from the parking lot. The Turkeys in the mean time were treated to a remake of Chariots of Fire or at least Strollers of Fire as Just Gabby and The Cunt Next Door with Just Rosalie aboard streaked off along Bunker Road before turning up the Coastal Trail hub to hub. TCND was stunned to hear Just Rosalie’s first word and even more stunned that it was, “Mush” as TCND shoved the stroller up the hill. While the Turkeys gobbled up trail the Eagles were getting nosebleeds as they climbed the Coastal Trail from the other side, the steep and deadly side! CSI wondered aloud if she would get ALL the mimosas this year as she could almost hear those Eagles fall from the sky, or so she claimed. Our hares set Battery Townsley as the place to hold their check not least because Peteophile could ride his ebike up from the parking lot with the champagne, orange juice and pumpkin cake slung in the saddlebags. The Turkey laid claim to the first of the mimosas, only fitting on Thanksgiving. Golden Snowball was the first of the Eagles to the Battery once again proving that feeling along the trail in Braille she was still faster than the boys in the band. Bitches Bitch wasn’t far behind her since for a change he didn’t need to go back and rescue anyone. Do Her Well now pins the car keys to her tights so Just Doesn’t Get It has to follow closely if he hopes to get home. The check had great view towards the ocean. Tongueless and Tongueless’ Penis were honored to look out towards the water and see Penis Rock, well, in fairness Tongueless’ Penis has more right to lay claim to the rock formation. Fits In stared at the rock for a moment then looked at T and laughed uproariously. Even Tongue Depressor and Qaeda Cunt had to use their paws to suppress a laugh. Having toasted the day the pack was off and back to the start. The picnic tables were all available, civilians having learned to avoid the Gypsies on Thanksgiving. The Sacred Bucket was filled with Fits In’s patented Bloody Marys and the Vitamin J set out. Cockulus Oculus actually supplied veggies and dip that Blow Queen ate before realizing they might be healthy! Tears Of Semen told him that’s what he gets for being grabby. Once Pied Piper finally got in he made sure to offset any foolish notions of health foods with plenty of chocolate. Cream Chugger brought The King’s Bitch who, while missing the King, found Tongueless a good substitute where treats were concerned. Like all good Gypsies bims, two AND four legged, her affection is for sale. A veritable phalanx of Gypsies kept Lois Lame away from the Dave’s Insanity Ghost Pepper Sauce remembering last year when she added it to the Bucket. T took up the Sword of Power and managing not to kill or maim anyone convened the Circle and dispersed the Bloody Mary down-downs. Lois Lame is going to have to think long and hard about that celery stalk that ended up in her eye. Cheers.