GPH3 Run #1556: Gypsies Anal Summer Solstice Pagan Fest and White Trash Cookout
: 06/22/2023
: The tennis courts at Granada Park in Corte Madera
: Dr. Kimble COOKING: DRILL ME so you know what that guarantees
: Tongueless

Run #1556 Biscotti and Blood 

Last Thursday saw the Gypsies’ 26th Anal Summer Solstice Pagan Fest and White Trash Cookout. Dr. Kimble was the hare and Drill Me did the cooking. Dr. K took over haring after D’anglin Anglin died but Drill Me has been the moving force the whole time. DM’s only request was that Dr. K lay a trail beyond mere brutality and a smirking Dr. K gleefully took up the challenge! The pack was gathered in Corte Madera at the tennis courts at Granada Park. The city had installed a new barbeque grill and new picnic tables and the Gypsies broke them in. Dr. K made sure to save a parking space for the Outbeer and when it arrived the keg of Lagunitas Island Beats was hauled over to the picnic tables and the prelube was begun. Manhole drove the clown car that deposited himself and Adopt A Pussy who was thinking about not drinking…until he arrived and found a tapped keg. MH contributed a jug of his hard cider just in case there wasn’t enough alcohol. CSI was there, she has so many lower body injuries that she figured one more couldn’t hurt and alcohol was better than opioids. When 5150 arrived before the trail started the pack was certain that the Apocalypse couldn’t be far behind. Those 5150 clanks when he walks, CSI took as a good sign. Dr. K proclaimed that pack would find the trail leading them to The Rapture. Clearly there needed to be a religious intervention and that was provided by Chickenboner stepping up with the Male Missal in hand and providing the pack with a sermon on the bonds shared by youths! Dr. K took over and gave the pack a chalktalk that had Hose Blower wondering why Dr. K was offering to hold wills and health insurance cards as well as letters to loved ones. Drill Me just shook her head and smiled. Dr. K then sent the pack off in search of his marks. The Lost Patrol had a secret weapon, Tongueless and Fits In had lived in the area for 8 years and knew the area so the LP looked to T, foolishly, to lead them to salvation. Trail took all and sundry up from the parking lot then down through the woods to the parking lot below the Mariner Green complex. And around the preschool and infant center to El Camino Dr. and through Skunk Hollow Park. The LP was happy to make room for No Blow Ho from the Whine & Chowder Society and now with MarinH3 who was looking to make the trail as painless as possible and Backwash who was interested in finishing the trail while remaining ambulatory! Our hare had mentioned that no one who went through the shiggy to get to trail was ever going to be able to follow the toilet paper around the fallen tree but Who’s Your Daddy is always up for a challenge and his hospital stay is fairly short. The LP was on Meadow Ridge Dr. when Squeeze Box shot up the series of steps that eventually took her to the Ring Mt. Fire Road. Ring Mt. Is where our hare expected the bodies to pile up. Trail took those so inclined up to the ridgeline with Corte Madera on one side and Tiburon on the other. For anyone not following trail a mistake would be very costly. Even 5 Angry Inches opted for eating, drinking and living to *un another day. Any blood that was shed was minorish. The LP was able to stay on pavement at least most of the way with NBH opting for a shorter steeper section at the very end. Lois Lame cursed Bitches Bitch for being too tired from actually doing something useful to make the trail. NBH was reunited with Just Bill and regaled him with her adventures leaving him in awe and needing more alcohol..Pied Piper was happy to oversee someone else doing the grilling and Drill Me was slaving away over a hot grill producing burgers as though there was no tomorrow. She even had tablecloths taped to the picnic tables. The keg was tapped and the Sacred Bucket fill with a pomegranate infused Yellow Peril. The Vitamin J was produced, and Squeeze Box rooted through it looking for precisely the chips she wanted. T, ever the charmer, pointed out that scientists have as yet failed to find anything that SB has ever failed to complain about. Speaking of complaints, Princess Slut aka Me, Me, Me was complaining that Wash This Asshole hadn’t provided a bucket of One Pot oats, a favorite carb of hers. WTA soto voced that she was the first person he’d ever seen eat then cold, The pack was lucky that no one had a near death experience or PS would have regaled all with the story of the time she died, one-upmanship is her forte!  Everyone else was happy to get their carbs from the hamburger buns and the veggies DM had sliced. DM also had cheese galore. When Drill Me cooks she COOKS! At least no blood was shed over DM’s biscotti, a first. LL had her veggie burgers to make her happy. However, LL was unhappy that having cleaned out her fridge of old condiments she was forced to either take the residue home or chuck it. Hand Pump kept his DFL title but arrived in plenty of time to ingest. The pack ate, drank and made merry until night fell, then growlers filled to the brim drifted off into the night, full! Cheers.