GPH3 Run #1560: An Aquatic Ballet is on the Program!
: 07/20/2023
: Aquatic Park on Van Ness
: Chickenboner
: Tongueless

Run #1560 Synchronized Drinking!

Chickenboner aka the Gypsies’ Queen united the pack for a trail and piss pounding on the shore of Aquatic Park at the base of Van Ness. The Outbeer was ushered into a not quite legal spot but Fits In turned on the charm and the driver in front pulled forward enough for the Outbeeer to cross the legal limit! The keg of Lagunitas Island Beats was tapped and the usual line around the keg took form. At the head of the line were, also as usual, Adopt A Pussy and Backside Banger. While AAP might disdain this beer or that beer BB just assumes they all want to be sliding down his throat and BB is very accommodating. As usual the civilians strolling by looked at the pack and made the sign of the cross or wished they had some garlic to keep them safe! Twinkle Dick preaching from the Male Missal seemed to assure the civilians that they were in San Francisco and getting to enjoy some of its character and characters! Our hare missed all this since she was off marking trail for the pack to follow. No chalktalk was necessary since there were no visitors and Who’s Your Daddy mentioned the direction our hare wanted the pack to follow. Thanks to the greying of the Gypsies the Lost Patrol was the pack but still it dissolved into a fondue of outliers like AAP and BB accompanied by Daffy Fuck. Hand Pump was on his own and the Pastel Gazelle and Just Fuck Off disappeared in a cloud of dust. While Cuming Mutha was racing about, On All 4s took leadership of the LP and off she went with Wash This Asshole hanging on her every word. While the pack of packs was separated, they could still be seen by each other. OA4s almost caused Tongueless to have a panic attack when she doffed her sweatshirt and the color he’d been watching changed! Trail was a tour of Fisherman’s Wharf americana! If tourist crap was sold there, the marks took the pack past it! Trail went down Jefferson St. until it turned up towards Pier 45 and then out onto the Embarcadero. No one was whipping out a credit card to buy any T-shirts and no cash was dropped into a hat for any on the mimes who think someone will actually pay to see what they do! Were he alive today Marcel Marceau wouldn’t have been quaking in his boots. At Kearny trail turned off of tourist heaven and took the packs to the Kearny and Chestnut Open Space area, gotta have some shiggy and down Bay Street. Once they were back on Taylor AAP, BB and DF were thinking about food or some alcohol they could pay for but they were strong, or at least as strong as they ever are! Going through the Cannery Shopping Mall didn’t help. Meanwhile the true cognoscenti were following trail and actually working up a sweat, well, on JFO it’s more a sheen. PG actually ends up with darker sections of green! Eventually all the packs were reunited at the start. CB took her well deserved accolades and she and WYD brought out their folding chairs so they along with CM and OA4s could drink in comfort while gazing at Alcatraz across the waters as the sky darkened. The keg remained in the Outbeer while the Cloak Of Invisibility stayed merely a table albeit covered with Vitamin J and a Sacred Bucket brimming with Cuba Libre. WTA was all in favor of the slices of lime since they gave him his Vitamin C. The alcohol flowed freely, and the Vitamin J did what it could to absorb it. The pack enjoyed nice weather and eventually drifted off to continue drinking or eating at more established venues. The keg survived but it was a near run thing the Bucket passed peacefully! Cheers.