GPH3 Run #1564: Just Like Abe Lincoln
: 08/17/2023
: The Log Cabin in the Presidio off of Storey Avenue
: Who’s Your Daddy or Chickenboner
: Tongueless

Run #1564 Not Honest Abe, Honestish Daddy! 

Who’s Your Daddy took up the chalk and flour of leadership and called the Gypsies’ pack to his trail from the Log Cabin in the Presidio. Not that he was jonesing for a pint, but Pied Piper was there long before the hare and marginally before the piss! Little by little the parking lot filled, and Adopt A Pussy was the tipping point. PP kissed his feet and grabbed the tap! The keg of Lagunitas Hazy Wonder was officially up for grabs! Our hare eventually arrived and put down enough pints that the pack started to smirk and think it would be a short and unsteady trail, ah, what fools these mortals be! Eventually our hare staggered off to lay the trail. Chickenboner suggested the pack just relax and continue in its pursuit of pints, but stranger heads prevailed and without even the benefit of religion the pack set off to find the hare. Manhole vowed to *un the eagle trail or die, either trying to *un it or find it! A few pints in and MH’s assiduous reading of Marvel comics starts to show up! On All 4s was there and the Lost Patrol coalesced around her leadership. This is good since as age and injury keeps the LP growing some knowledgeable leadership comes in handy. Trail zipped down Storey Ave. Winding its way through the Presidio the pack was treated to loops through housing that resulted in the usual drawing of shades and clicking locks. Our hare wasn’t about to let the pack pound concrete all evening so into the woods the chalk and flour took the pack. What a treat it was to pass the Golden Gate View Point. The Presidio has cemeteries for twoleggeds and for fourleggeds and our hare made sure to encompass both. Cuming Mutha tiptoed through the twolegged one vaulting over walls that would have stopped a lesser man! After exploring the Presidio, trail popped back out and crossed Lincoln to give the pack a chance to romp through the bunkers overlooking the Pacific. These were there to prevent an in invasion in WWII but now are more an impromptu art gallery for taggers. Not that the concrete steps are steep and narrow and there are no handrails, but rest assured none of these would pass an ADA inspection. Families were touring the sites and got a free show when Tongueless decided that survival was a good idea and went down a particularly steep set on his ass. Fits In, always supportive told him he looked like a spider coming down the steps. Trail went back through the brush and under the GG Bridge before crossing back over Lincoln and around to bring the pack once more to the Log Cabin. The keg was brought past the barrier to the back and the stone ledge provided room for the Vitamin J and Sacred Bucket filled with River Madness. Our hare was there waiting to hear the tales of those who did it all! MH and Hand Pump claimed a victory. CM eventually tired of cemeteries regained his senses. Jack The Ripper made it clear that at his age he had no desire to encounter any cemeteries. Dr. Kimble being a stickler for truth insisted that with no blood on trail to prove their claim he wasn’t convinced that any eagles had soared. Closet Twitcher strolled in and complained yet again that he couldn’t ride his bike over the trail. Mixing pints and River Madness brought an angelic smile to CT’s face! T took up the Sword Of Power and convened the Circle. The first order of business was to recognize the 3 hashers who this year have gone to the On-On in the sky, Bone Marrow, Ben Gay and just that week Shithead. Glasses were raised and T poured a toast for the dear departed on to the ground. It never got there as Wash This Asshole being a waste not want not guy caught the steam in a cup! Cheese Turd picked that moment to arrive and add his vessel to the chore of keg killing. Without 5150 and his endless stream of growlers the keg survived the onslaught, but barely. The weather was good so the pack just kept doing what it’s known for, having a good time! Cheers.