GPH3 Run #1574: Gypsies 30th Anal Halloween Pub Crawl
: 10/26/2023
: Front and Union aka The Hellmouth
: Chicken Boner
: Tongueless

Run #1574 Gypsies’ 30th Anal Halloween Pub Crawl 

Chickenboner is constitutionally incapable of setting a bad pub crawl and the Gypsies’ 30th Anal Pub Crawl was just another star in her alcoholic firmament! Our hare was wicked as a Queen should be. As usual the gritty band if fermentation junkies started at Front and Union or as it’s known in the Gypsies’ lexicon the Hell Mouth! The Outbeer driven by the Halo wearing Angel of the Bucket, Fits In deposited the White Rabbit that was most feared by Alice in Wonderland, Tongueless and the keg of Lagunitas Beast of Both Worlds at the curb. Missed Delivery tapped a pint then strode around the street looking for the perfect spot to fall, as he knew he would, at the end of the evening. This not being his first rodeo MD had the world’s thickest yoga mat to land on, if, um it got rolled out. This year MD was in surgical scrubs, clearly he knows the drill! Dick Ass Mother Fucker was clad in camo so he could soldier on carrying his bike, bad pun! There were more pirates than sailed the Spanish main, Tricrapalete and Twinkle Dick, what a fearsome pair they made! Every “ARGH” set that little bumble bee, Bitch Pimp to buzzing but the stinger in her butt kept her safe around them. Speaking of MD, he brought tears to many an eye reading from the Family Missal! Just Fuck Off looking so Princess Jane was happy that Pastel Gazelle’s Dragon suit didn’t make his “stain of joy” too obvious. On that note the pack was off. For those who felt they needed to sweat off some of the piss they’d already had and pay it forward for the piss yet to cum Who’s Your Daddy as the loveliest redhead skeleton ever was in theory laying a “*unner’s trail. The Lost Patrol was more the pack than the pack and it had a very secret weapon, the hare! Trail, hardly a straight shot,  led the pack to the Red Jack Saloon on Bay and the pack piled in to spend some cash and reup their hydration. Wash This Asshole was especially in need as he was wearing his djellaba and looking very nomadic and sweaty! Trail took the pack hither and yon into North Beach and through the Joe DiMaggio Playground, scene of the famous Ultraman Black Russian fall. For those in need of spiritual help our hare too the pack past Saints Peter and Paul Church by Washington Square. Not to put too fine a point on it that Wet And Sloppy Dalmatian was happy to the Savoy Tivoli on Grant as she’d seen neither a tree or a fireplug for some time! Once the pack is bellied up to the bar it’s no small effort to get them moving again but Chickenboner cast her spell and off they went in dribs and drabs. In keeping with Gypsies history, the last bar should have been the Bamboo Hut but when approached they were closed for a private party. Ha don’t cry for the Gypsies, as WYD led the thirsty throng to Le Petit Paris 75 on Broadway and Kearny once again all was right with the world! The alcohol flowed freely and Just Jeff arrived to be bee stung. The sight of Cockulus Oculus looking like the finest Mexican cuisine got the pack to thinking about the Vitamin J back at the start. The combination of Vitamin J a Sacred Bucket full of Sex on the Beach and piss they’d already paid for proved magnetic enough to pull the pack back to the Hell Mouth and continue the festivities. Always going above and beyond out hare produced 2 pizzas that had no chance of surviving the locust storm. A group of youths found the bizarre looking and alcohol swilling bunch interesting until they found out the alcohol wasn’t free to them! Unimaginably MD was still standing upright although Just Jeff’s belt around the lamppost might have had something to do with that. Out popped the Sword Of Power and T convened the Circle, the way T was bobbing and weaving the pack had even more reason to be afraid than usual. Still no major injuries occurred, and the minor ones could be attributed to the effects of Halloween and pub crawls. Chickenboner struck again. Cheers.