GPH3 Run #1576: Hey, We Weren’t Born Yesterday!!
: 11/09/2023
: The Stow Lake Boathouse in Golden Gate Park
: Chicken Boner and/or Who’s Your Daddy
: Tongueless

Run #1576 A Respite at the Lake! 

Chickenboner set the trail for the Gypsies at one of her homes away from home, the Boathouse at Stow Lake in Golden Gate Park. As the Outbeer approached Pied Piper was standing in the road to usher it into the parking space that had been saved so the keg of Lagunitas Born Yesterday could be sacrificed. What spaces were available soon disappeared. The Outbeer disappeared into the crowd that surrounded it, vying for the tap. Per usual Backside Banger and Adopt A Pussy were hard to get past. Who’s Your Daddy has taken to calling them the “Batman and Robin of Beer!” Anyone who thinks hashing isn’t rocket science has never talked to E=MCFucked, he can speak at length on the Newtonian principles regarding falling bodies and beer. A few pints in and our hare was off setting a trail or at least doing something in the woods. The rest of the wankers were happy to keep pouring pints and petting Yank Me Daddy who was yanking Exaggerated Crack away from the keg, bad dog, bad dog! Standing about with that deer in the headlights look was Just Jay who had happened upon the Gypsies a few weeks ago and fallen into conversation with Wash This Asshole, that cunning linguist had convince JJ to give the Gypsies a chance to entertain him and the keg was certainly doing its best to live up to the promise. Tongueless took the Gypsies’ guest by the hand and led him to the dais, well, curb where JJ was “asked” to lead the pack in religion by delivering the weekly sermon. T admonished the pack to, “SHUT the FUCK UP!” so JJ could be heard, and the pack paid T as much attention as he deserves, uh huh. As JJ read from the Male Missal a hush fell over the crowd. The sermon was intensely moving and 5 Angry Inches, a champion of neatness, proceeded to bend over and mop up the puddle at his feet. WYD acting as the hare’s mouthpiece sent the pack into the night in search of flour and chalk. The pack charged off towards Stow Lake Dr. and On All 4s, or as she’s called, Mother Cary, gathered her chicks in the Lost Patrol which now included Backwash and set off to search. Dr. Kimble spotted trail breaking off into the woods and it was time for headlamps. Trail stayed in the woods until it crossed the bridge and headed toward Strawberry Hill. No one actually climbed Strawberry Hill but with Blow Queen, Cuming Mutha and even Hand Pump and WYD it was a near run thing, you could see, “But what if...” reflected in their eyes. Chickenboner has more sense, so trail wound its way around the hill, not exactly short or flat until it crossed back into the woods along Stow Lake Dr. As the pack passed the Moon Viewing Garden, Udder Moron misinterpreted the name and Tricrapalete turned to Wet And Sloppy saying, “And now you see why he’s called that”. Wet And Sloppy however was intent on the visuals and seemed not to be listening. Trail tracked around Stow Lake and through the Japanese Tea Garden into Pioneer East Meadow. As the Arch of Colonial Trees, Jack The Ripper insisted that he hadn’t seen them being planted. Backwash was supportive agreeing that it was unlikely that JTR was that old! Trail brought the pack back together at the start and a picnic table was commandeered for the Vitamin J and Sacred Thermi filled with mulled wine. The keg was tapped, and the bacchanal was begun. Pied Piper whipped out bags of jerky and Yank Me Daddy thought he was in heaven then Choke Me Daddy told him no and the proud Pittie had to settle for just adulation, of which he received plenty! Cheese Turd arrived just in time to stuff himself with Vitamin J and jerky then settled into pounding the keg with brute force. Fits In watched as T brought forth the Sword Of Power, declared the Circle open and embarrassed himself even more than usual. At the proper moment FI took the Sword away and patted T on the head. The cry of “It’s growler time in the city!” was heard and there was the usual pushing and shoving to get as much piss as possible. WTA announced that he heard the keg fart and pack went its separate ways. Cheers.