Bay to Breakers 2012

May 18-20

General Information

Do I need to sign up for the B2B r*ce?
No, but we encourage you to support the cause since you will probably be using the r*ce bathrooms and such. The r*ce also pays for the street closures, cops, etc.

If I am a r*cist can I r*n B2B and then meet the hash?
Yes! Feel free to r*n the r*ce and get your medal (be ready for a down down) and meet us at the venue for food & circle afterwards.

What should I bring for the weekend?

  • Costumes! See our theme page for more info.
  • R*nning attire (costumes or otherwise) for trail in if you want to r*n
  • Any clothes for the rest of the weekend
  • Some warm clothes are suggested...SF can get chilly especially at night
  • B bag for each day. All trails are A to B! Trail will go directly to the venue each evening.
  • Closed top drinking vessel for B2B...if you came last year bring your awesome backpack for this! The cops don't want to see the alcohol along the r*ce course.

What do I bring to trail?

  • ID and $$$ for any bar checks (especially pub crawlers). 
  • B bag (this will be in the B van) with any warm/dry clothes and costumes that you want for the night. We will be going straight from the trail start to each night's venue.
  • Money for transit - to trail start and from venue to your bed for the night

Other Information

  • Must be 21 or older to attend some of the events. Remember to bring your ID's!

Questions? Email PGEgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmdtc0BzZmgzLmNvbSI+Z21zQHNmaDMuY29tPC9hPg==