SFH3’s Bay2Blackout 2013


May 17th-19th 2013 

$125 until April 1st***
$145 until May 1st
$165 until Judgement Day
*** giveaway not guaranteed after April 1st

Tickets include access to all 3 days of trails, beer, and food, plus some sexy hash swag.

Can't do all three days? Click here for single day signups!

You must register on this page and use one of the three following payment methods:

Paypal - Follow the prompts to pay now.

Cash - Cash is accepted only at Monday SFH3 hashes*

Check - Payable to SFH3 and mailed to "8 McLea Court #105, San Francisco, CA 94103*

*e-mail PGEgdGl0bGU9Imdtc0BzZmgzLmNvbSIgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmdtc0BzZmgzLmNvbSI+Z21zQHNmaDMuY29tPC9hPg== if not paying via paypal so we can look for your check or receive your cash payment and verify your price tier.


Once again: You must click the "Pay Now" button on the next page and complete the paypal transaction in order to purchase your tickets via paypal.  If you don't appear on this list, then you haven't signed up yet.