EBH3 Run #837
Sunday, November 24, 2013, 1:00 pm
: Lake Chabot - Fairmont Ridge
: Cockodial Done Me
It's Cockodial's barfday, and she's celebrating being old by haring a shitty trail for you wankers, because misery loves company.

Start is at the Fairmont Ridge Staging area near Lake Chabot. 2601 Fairmont Drive, Castro Valley, CA http://goo.gl/maps/H05Bp

Little Johnson says we've NEVER started a trail from here which should make this a very INTERESTING hash.

Hare assures us the trail is dog friendly, promises to bring us tecnu to wash off all the PO you'll come across, and advises to bring chairs. Parking is limited so arrive early or park further up on Fairmont Dr.

Last updated over 2 years ago.