SFH3 Run #1685
Monday, November 24, 2014, 6:15 pm
: Corner of Evans & Phelps
: Bloqueen
: $6
: Speakeasy Payback Porter
: Sam Jordan's

#19 Polk will take you right to the run start, or take the K/T Third Street line and get off at Evans & 3rd just around the corner.


Welcome to the first* (and possibly last) ever run in scenic Bayview / Hunter's Point.

Broaden your horizons! Experience virgin** trails! Enjoy delicious Speakeasy Payback (aka Hunter's Point) Porter at the Beer Check with authentic soul food and yet more Speakeasy beer (spittle free***) at the friendly On-After! The trail has been carefully scouted and recced by your's truly and vetted by none other than the venerable Hand Pump, thus making a bullet proof vests and RapeX condoms entirely optional. Stringent studies and extensive experiments project a pack survival rate of at least 94%. Easy access with MUNI and plenty of parking with free, keyless one-way valet service available courtesy of the local neighborhood organizations**** make getting there a breeze. Speaking of which, the forecast is currently a balmy 16°C / 60°F with clear skies and 0% chance of rain*****.

On-On into the darkness...

Your's truly,
--B. Queen

*) Or at least the first one since Raspukin and GMA ventured just south of the Islais Creek in 2012.
**) Or at least old cranky trails that haven't been laid for a long time.
***) Bottled.
****) No, seriously, you'll be fine parking there, just don't drink & drive. Payback is 7.5%.
*****)  Nor moonlight, so be sure to bring a torch.******
******) That's a flashlight for you Yanks.


Last updated almost 10 years ago.