SFH3 Run #1686
Monday, December 1, 2014, 6:15 pm
: Victoria Manalo Draves Park
: Broken Boner & Cockagami
: $6
: Monarch

Wear lights!  Wear neon!  Bring sunglasses because all the lights and neon will be so damn bright!  Ask to borrow anything from No Shit's wardrobe!  

If you're not sure whether or not something is Electric Hash-appropriate, here are some general pointers:
-Tank tops with seemingly meaningless words in large block text are just fine
-Anything that requires batteries is encouraged (unless you're GSL, in which case get your mind out of the gutter)
-If it makes you look like a disco ball, Christmas tree, sci-fi spaceship, runway at SFO, or an epileptic's worst nightmare, it's PERFECT
There may or may not be a prize for the hasher who receives the most bewildered stares on trail (it may or may not be a prize you even want).  On On to the untz-iest hash of the year!
The Hares: Broken Boner and Cockagami

Last updated almost 10 years ago.