FCH3 Run
Spring Airing of the Junk: Tartan/Kilt Hash
Saturday, April 6, 2019, 1:00 pm
: Garfield Square
: Mouth Down South & Mary Tyler Whore
: $5
: See Description

After an eternity of rain and cold, spring has once again returned to our lovely city by the bay. Celebrate the nice weather and National Tartan Day by donning your favorite kilt and letting your junk enjoy the wonderful spring air too! 

As is Fog City tradition there will be a bar crawl, turkey, and eagle (... maybe if someone wants to hare one) options.  Hash cash is $5 for beer for circle, bring your ID and your own payment method (probably cash, it's the Mission) for bars along the way.

Start is at Garfield Square Park at 1:00 PM (ish). Trail is A->B and will finish at a location in northern end of the Mission/southern end of SOMA. For you runners there will be a sag wagon or a group of volunteers to help ferry your baggage to the end, but please pack light!

Interested in haring? Reach out to Mouth Down South. 

Prelube brunch options are available:

Prelube Brunch Option #1: For those people who have their shit together enough to RSVP and actually show up on time. We have a reservation at Foxsister. If you'd like to attend this you MUST RSVP (see stickied post in this event) by Wednesday evening and you MUST actually fucking show up at 11. If there is enough interest we can add a second table for more folks.

Prelube Brunch Option #2: For you slackers who have trouble rousing yourself on Saturday mornings or who can't commit a few days in advance, the Napper Tandy is also nearby and will sell you beer and food to shove in your face.

Prelube "Brunch" Option #3: If you're willing to wait until te start of trail to begin drinking (... why?) Dynamo Donuts and Coffee is also nearby and you can "fuel up" for the short and shitty trail ahead (head? who said head?)

All times are approximate, this is after all a hash (except for the Foxsister prelube brunch, brunch is serious business)

Last updated over 5 years ago.