FCH3 Run
Rainbow Dress R*n
Saturday, June 29, 2019, 1:00 pm
: Victoria Manalo Draves Park, Sherman & Folsom
: Cum Test Dummy & Mary Tyler Whore
: $5
: Trademark

Brunch/prelube starting around 11 am. Bag drop available for runners. 


The prelube/brunch this Saturday will be at trademark, opening circle at Victoria manalo Graves park. Bag drop for the runners will be available at Cum Test Dummy's apartment (check the Facebook page for more details). Turkey trail 4 miles, eagles around six, will meet up with the pub crawl at points. Wear your most amazing rainbow, prizes awarded to the best outfits.

Cum Test Dummy will be haring the running trails and Mary Tyler whore will be leading the pub crawlers.

Last updated about 5 years ago.