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SVH3 Run #1072
Drunkwali Hash
Saturday, November 10, 2018, 1:20 pm
: 37.3549313, -121.8867009
: Drink 'n Squirt, Fart Alarm
679 N. 14th Street San Jose
Park at Backesto Park.
Short walk to start
Close your eyes and be ready to be teleported to the land of Kamasutra.

Chicken Biryani and some Indian munchies will be provided. Bring drinks for before and after trail. Bring side/main dishes to add to the spread. Cum celebrate Diwali with the hash version, Drunkwali. Wear colorful clothing, lights and drink copius jugs of beer.

Hash start at Casa de Fart Alarm.
Trial between 4.69miles-10k
Start 1:20pm rain or shine. (The hare wants rain.) Hare off 1:20+20min.
BBQ to follow. BYOM.

Update info: Parking is tight on 14th Street. Suggest that hashers park at Backesto Park and walk to start.
Also, with bad air I decided to shorten the trail some.
Remember to bring something to BBQ

Last updated 3 months ago.