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Agnews Run #473
Where's My Hare Bag?
Thursday, September 15, 2022, 6:30 pm
: 37.2353399, -121.9134251
: Suck it up Spouse, Today is Monday
: 67 °F / 20 °C, clear, moderate breeze.
Drive, ride share, hitch hike, bike, walk, or however you get to places.
Been a while - it'll be good to see ya bitches! ChaHumpa from Sacto H3 will be helping hare since I can't find my ass with both hands and a flashlight these days. :). And I also nominated TiM to join the proceedings so this should be a shit show of epic proportions.

Park on the Harwood St. side of the parking lot.

I know it's an Agnews but we'll have a bacon check and 2 beer checks for your enjoyment. Not sure if the Malibu Grill will still be open for an On-On opportunity. If not, there's a pizza joint at the start.

Suckin' Up Spouse

Last updated 3 months ago.