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Agnews Run #480
Annal Gunga Turkey Trail
Thursday, November 24, 2022, 12:00 pm
: 37.4153936, -122.122288
: Gunga Dick
: 66 °F / 19 °C, clear, light air.
From 101 take the San Antonio Blvd exit and head towards Palo Alto. At first light turn right into Charleston Ave and go for about 1.5miles. After crossing the train tracks, turn right on Park Blvd and the park will be on your left.
Here Comes the Annal Gunga's Turkey Hash
The start of the Trail is at 12:00noon [NI needs to fix the trail start time as usual]
The start is at Robles Park ar 4166 Park Blvd, Palo Alto
A simple stroll thru Palo Alto, Los Alto, and Mountain View .. Remember it is Turkey Trail, So about 3~6miles
After hash Dinner is at Gunga's humble house ... 3744 Starr King Circle, Palo Alto
Gunga will make Turkey and Stuffing.
If you are cumming, then bring a side dish of your choice to share

Last updated 3 months ago.