SFH3 Run
AGM 2022
Friday, September 16, 2022, 6:15 pm
: Dahlia Dell, Golden Gate Park
: Humpy Slocum and Muppet Dick
: 63 °F / 17 °C, partially cloudy, fresh breeze.
: Free for dues payers, $12 for all others
: Hobson's Choice

Pack gather at 6:15, off at 6:45!


Cum on out for the anal changeover of the SFH3 management! A r*n with several drink checks will start the evening, followed by BEER, dinner, and the revealing of your new head (who said head?) overlords for 2022-23. 

**The hare will cranium out promptly since we have a hot dinner waiting for all of you at the end of trail, so remember to show up a little early so we can start on time. Also, we're getting into autumn so remember those flashlights and cranium lights!**

Use this link to vote for your favorites in the 2022 Hash Awards:  https://forms.gle/kEb4nX3Dsd2mgu3a6

Last updated about 2 years ago.