FCH3 Run
Groundhog Day Run
Saturday, February 4, 2023, 1:00 pm
: Pilsner Inn
: Pickup Hares: Just Get It Over With, Dick First Ass Up, Handy Dicked, Blow Queen
: 55 °F / 13 °C, partially cloudy, light air.
: $10
: Morning Due Cafe
Bimbos and Wankers: It’s time for the second anal (sorta, pandemic years don’t count) Fog City 2/2(+2) Tutu Groundhog Day Trail! Our first Groundhog Day trail in February of 2020 was a blast and absolutely nothing bad happened shortly afterwards. Let’s do it again, what could possibly go wrong?
What’s a Groundhog Day trail you ask? Well, it’s a trail with a lot of loops, each one a little different. Here’s the basics.
1. You put on your tutu because Groundhog Day is 2/2
2. We gather at the Pilsner Inn and indulge in an adult beverage or two
3. Trail begins
4. We have opening circle
5. We pick a hare
6. We do chalk talk and introduce any new marks
7. We bless the hare(s) before sending them off on their way with a 10 minute head start.
8. The hare(s) lays a <1 mile A:A trail that ends back at the Pilsner. Each trail must be different and each trail must use a new mark not used before on previous trails. Each trail will use a different color of chalk.
9. The pack runs trail and returns to the start.
10. Go to step 2.
What that means:
If you want to run zero miles: YOU CAN
If you want to drink zero beers; YOU CAN
If you want to run many miles: YOU CAN
If you want to drink many beers: YOU CAN
If you want to run a mile, take a break drink a few beers, and run another mile: YOU CAN
If you want to try haring or live haring for the first time YOU CAN
If you want to experience some trail marks you’ve never seen before YOU CAN
If you want to show off your knowledge of obscure hash checks: YOU CAN
Hash cash is $10 and will be used to buy pitchers of beer for all the circles (hence the higher price). Any extra hash cash or additional donations will go to Muttville Senior Dog Rescue.
Prelube Brunch: 11 AM - Morning Due Cafe (Beer and Wine only but they’ve got plenty of room and outdoor seating and cheapish mimosa pitchers).

Prelube: 1 PM - Pilsner Inn
First of many opening circles/hares away: 1:30-1:45ish PM - Pilsner Inn
Pack away (for the first time): 2PM
Here’s a starting list of trail marks to choose from. Of course hares can introduce their own:
Back Check (some number greater than 5)
Clothing Swap
Salmon Check
Song Check
Rock Paper Scissors Check (first two people at the check must play Rock Paper Scissors, winner moves on. Continue until the last two people are left)
Danger Can
Beer Quest/Puzzle Check

Last updated over 1 year ago.