FCH3 Run
A Perfect April Fool's Day
Saturday, April 1, 2023, 1:00 pm
: Oak and Baker
: Tuna on Top, The Perfect Woman, and Dildo Baggins
: 58 °F / 14 °C, partially cloudy, gentle breeze.
: $5
: 1428 Haight Patio Cafe & Crepery

Across the street from the DMV in the park.

It’s April Fool’s Day! Dress your most foolish (however you want to interpret that: clowns, mimes, St. Stupid’s Day, sexy clowns, your halloween costume you never got to wear because of the pandemic, scary sexy clowns, rainbow colors, etc) and join Fog City for a day of hashing, drinking, hashing and drinking. Former GM The Perfect Woman is returning to hare an especially foolish Eagle trail, Tuna on Top promises to lay a slightly less foolish Turkey trail, and Dildo Baggins will lead a very foolish bar crawl.
All trails will include bar stops so bring cash or a card and your ID. Eagle will be challenging, Turkey should be doable by anyone, bar crawl involves the bare minimum amount of athletic effort.
$5 hash cash to cover opening/circle beers, extra cash gets donated to the ACLU.
Prelube Brunch: 11 AM HST
Gather/Opening Circle: 1 PM HST
Hares away: 1:30 PM HST

Last updated over 1 year ago.