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Agnews Run
The Let's Get Physical Not Political Run
Thursday, September 6, 2012, 6:30 pm
: 2408 Leghorn St, Mountain View, CA 94043
: Unknown
What, we have no hare?! Instead of planting myself in front of the TV Thursday evening getting political, I'll come out and set trail. We can run, then drink, then talk politics, drink, talk religion, drink, air the dirty laundry, drink, etc. All that stuff polite people do. This will be an A-A in (gasp!) Mountain View...imagine that. It will be about 4.5 miles with maybe two beer checks. One definitely. Dog and stroller friendly. And newbie friendly...bring a virgin.

Date: Thursday, Sept. 6
Time: 6.30 (hares off at 6.45 sharp)

Where: Run start will be behind the Mountain View Costco: 37.419432,-122.096769 (2408 Leghorn St, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States) MAP.
It would be best NOT to park behind the Costco so we don't get kicked out; everyone except the beer meister should park on the street, there's plenty of parking.

Hare(s): Mossy Patch with r*nning assistance from Got Wood 650-533-4846

On, on, on: How about the Steak Out place again?

Last updated over 2 years ago.