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Agnews Run
The Rocket Scientists Cometh
Thursday, September 20, 2012, 6:30 pm
: Braly Park, 704 Daffodil Court, Sunnyvale, CA
: Unknown
Cum one and all to Morning Missile's birthday hash. You will get two Rocket Scientists for the price of one, as Mach 1.Whore has stepped up as the Co-hare. All are mammals are welcome, though ET may be questionable to where he fits. There will be beer stops, so some of the mammals may have to wait outside while the rest of us enjoy a beer or 10. Please feel to bring the following, in no particular order:

1. Cash for trail. There will be beer stops, and most of them are cash only, no credit cards. There will also be food on trail, making this more of a FHAC-U than an Agnews.
2. Flashlight. it is getting later, so we may need help getting back to the start
3. Dry Shoes. There may be shiggy involved

The basic details are as followed:
Hare: Morning Missile and Mach 1.Whore
Location: Braly Park, 704 Daffodil Court, Sunnyvale, CA
A to A, dog friendly, stroller friendly if both don't mind being outside during a beer stop
The OnOnOn will probably be someplace downtown Slummyvale

Last updated over 2 years ago.