SVH3 Run
2012 TBDB anal hash in Redwood City, CA.
Saturday, October 27, 2012, 2:00 pm
: seaport conference center, seaport ct, Redwood City, CA
: Unknown

Since I can't get the *stoopid* maps to work and give me a good url, just follow these directions...take the Seaport Blvd exit off of 101 (you should be traveling east). Turn left onto Seaport Ct and go straight until you get to a parking lot and find hashers in the end of it. 
If you want something better than that, use Google Maps to look up "Seaport Conference Center, Seaport Ct, Redwood City". 

Hash is $5, but if you BYOBooze/Beer, the fee is waived.

I have TBDB patches for $3 each. (I will bring other habadashery along too if anyone is interested.)

See you in your bikinis (and any other swimwear you like) soon. 
What IS TBDB, you ask? It is the Taiwan Bikini Dash & Bash! It is a hash I started with a friend in 2010 in Taipei. We absolutely hared the hash in bikinis all over the beach, up streets, down alleys, across 2 ferries and along very popular places. It was a great time had by all. Unfortunately, my friend the co-hare passed away a few months later due to an accident, and I'm here to carry on the memory and legacy.
Cum on out to help me celebrate his memory and well, just to have some plain ol' fun!

Start location and details to come soon! Just make sure you save the date and get your bikinis (oh ok, any other swimwear you want) ready to wear.

Douche of Hazzard

Last updated almost 12 years ago.