SVH3 Run
Guy Fawkes Night - A British Tradition!
Saturday, November 10, 2012, 6:00 pm
: 1750 Hudson Drive San Jose, CA 95124
: Unknown

HOST: Jo (Posterior) and Michael (Pussy Toupee) 650-888-0774

Wulp, the date of an infamous British celebration is around the corner - "Guy Fawkes Night" - also known as "Bonfire Night" - a BIG night in the annual calendar of any snivelling little English brat. Some of you may have celebrated this with me a couple of years ago; plans are afoot to revive the tradition again this year with a party on Saturday November 10th.

What this is all about:
"Remember, Remember the 5th of November..."
November 5th marks the date that Guy Fawkes, a radical Yorkshireman, tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament with dynamite, in the year 1605. As it turned out, he was spotted in time by a couple of observant bobbies on the beat (translation: policemen), who politely asked him to stop. So he stopped. And nothing actually happened.
(for a more historically-accurate version, check out

So, in Brit-think, it was decided to celebrate the date on which nothing actually happened. It likely went something like this:
"Well, chaps, it could have been worse - the whole government could have been blown to smithereens! Overall, a decent outcome. Can't complain!. So, stiff upper lip! Let's all go to the Hash House to devour some inedible mush and get completely snookered". And so they did.

In the old country we celebrate by encouraging neighborhood kids to make lifelike effigies (known as "The Guy") of the unfortunate Mr. Fawkes, and burning him on a bonfire, cheering as he dies a horrible death. We accompany this fun family-friendly spectacle with some dubious examples of British cuisine (e.g., mushy peas, treacle toffee, bangers & mash, and a thick gooey cake called "parkin", to name but a few "delicacies"), swilled down with thankfully large quantities of hot mulled wine, cider, warm beer, and nips of anything distilled in Ireland or Scotland. And, of course, vats of tea :).

Please come join me on Sat Nov 10th ((NOT the 5th, which is a Monday). to belatedly celebrate, Britsh-style. Tasting traditional British foodstuffs is encouraged ( BUT its optional and at your own risk).

Bring something to drink and something edible to share - I'll fire up the grill and of course I'll have the bonfire going so anything you can cook on a stick over an outside fire should work too. And if you have a (toxic-fume-free) doll or effigy you'd like to incinerate, feel free - I'll provide materials for making paper ones in case you just need to see your arch-enemy / ex-BFF / evil co-worker go up in flames. Crash space available - bring a sleeping bag.

Last updated almost 12 years ago.